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Daily Archives: March 27, 2024

Resolve to Write 2024 #87

Well I will say it was a very beautiful day indeed, and the only thing that put a pall over it was my own brain making up scenarios. The brain is a powerful weapon, and honestly, not always a friend. We would do well to tell it to hush a lot of the time. Lemme see if I can find that poem. Standby. my brain andheart divorced a decade ago over who wasto blame abouthow big of a messI have become eventually,they couldn’t bein the same roomwith each other now my head and heartshare custody of me I stay with my brainduring the week and my heartgets me on weekends they never speak to one another- instead, they give me the same note to passto each other every week and their notes theysend to one another alwayssays the same thing: “This is all your fault” on Sundaysmy heart complainsabout how myhead has let me downin the past and on Wednesdaymy head lists allof the times myheart has screwedthings up for mein the future they blame eachother for thestate of my life there’s been a lotof yelling – and crying so, lately I’ve been spending a lot oftime with my gut who serves as myunofficial therapist most nights, I sneak out of thewindow in my ribcage and slide down my spineand collapse on mygut’s plush leather chairthat’s always open for me ~ and I just sit sit sit situntil the…