Two Poems

I could write about unrequited love
Or barely suppressed hate
For I have both in spades
This unseasonable November day
But maybe I won’t write about either-
Since it’s expected
And will purge instead
Of the act of cleaning my teeth
Or how about
How badly I desire Oreo cookies
Perhaps I should be the one to say
That really the leaves weren’t that striking this year
At least
Not where I stood

But you are still waiting aren’t you
For me to fulfill the emotion
Held in check
Should I tell-
Neither are a secret
Not in the traditional sense
But no
It’s like how I have been wanting to watch a movie
But I won’t
Because then you wouldn’t have your poem

And have your poem you shall

I don’t remember what I set out to do
Because it is now January
All the color faded from the world
All the glitter and sparkles packed away
For another year
And where will it find me
I sat out
On my birthday
The halfway point almost
And gathered my courage
And walked to the edge of the yielding limb

I couldn’t bring my words back
I didn’t want to anyway
And even though they weren’t repeated
I still know the truth
Even though you pretend you don’t

And yesterday
Proved something else I thought I knew
But it turned my stomach unexpectedly
More words that have been spoken
And won’t go back
Years of loaded looks
Harmless flirting
But is it harmless, really?
So here I am
Writing more words
Convincing myself it’s all real
That love still exists
But it rarely comes when you expect it
And even less from those you think
You want it from…
I never was much for convention

So this is for the cowards
I have tried to make it easy
But you still
Found a way
To hide
And I cannot be anything less
Than everything