
You ask me what I'm doing
But if you'd think you'd already know
I'm watching the world wake up
From my porch
I'm admiring the sparkle of the dew in the grass like forgotten jewels
And counting birds
And listening to water drip
The locusts are gearing up
As I sip my coffee
While Chester makes his rounds
The tiny lizard darts among my flowerpots
Old Glory
At half staff
Is still proud
Not beaten
Just a little broken
For a little while
No breeze stirs her this morning
A few bees out already
Seek nectar from my petunias
I watch the chickens compete for bugs
Jerking their heads, their keen eyes zero in on their next victim
Another leaf drops from my redbuds
Traffic is increasing
As the sun gets brighter
And I suppose I should get up
But I'll miss all this
So instead I write a poem
That doesn't rhyme
That most people won't understand
And I tell you simply,
"Sittin' on my porch"