Words You Want To Share With Others Jan20 WP#20

All the words!!! I want to scream from the rooftops to do what you want to do! For the last time, you’re not promised tomorrow! You’re not even promised a minute from now! Life is but a vapor, get to it. And you gotta have faith. That’s the main thing. Someone is always going to disapprove of whatever decision you make. They’ll always try to make you see things from their perspective and bend you to their will. Hey, they may be right, but you’ll never know how it might have turned out for you. You only get one spin in life, live it to your satisfaction. Don’t regret anything if you can help it. And in my experience, I regret more of what I DIDN’T do than what I did. (I bet you’re wondering what I haven’t done, aren’t you? Well, for starters, I wish I had gone to Key West that time and left my work out to dry! It was before most of y’all knew me–my job selling dishes).

As I write this (March 16th, 2020), we are amid a panic as the Corona Covid-19 “crisis” continues. I’m not trying to downplay what has happened in China or Italy by any means, but here in most of mainstream America, we’re not living in densely populated areas. I think with increasing our sanitation procedures (hand washing and wiping down frequently touched surfaces) we could keep this thing staved off. But the fear has taken over, so now people are stockpiling supplies of all kinds (to throw away later, no doubt), and creating a general mayhem attitude.

On the flip side, there are those of us who will be living off Little Debbies, tuna, hamburger meat found in the bottom of our freezer, and liquor until further notice because the stores are wiped out of the day to day staples we need but couldn’t get on our regular shopping day because all the nutcases cleaned them out.

Whatever. It’s fine.

This too shall pass.

It’s passing like a kidney stone, but it WILL pass. Mark my words. Three days of sustained 60 degree temperatures, all will be forgotten. The virus will evaporate. And the media will be congratulating themselves on getting the sheep- I mean, the general public– to obey government policies of not congregating and taking all this Very Seriously. Because it could have been SO MUCH WORSE.

Oh, indeed. Like the flu that kills tens of thousands every year. But where’s the mob mentality there? Oh wait. I forgot. Only new viruses sell. I’m just praying we don’t have a total economic collapse. Sure, grocery stores and pharmacies are capitalizing on this freak out, but what about retailers? People aren’t buying cute new tops to wear on spring break. They’re not getting manicures and pedicures for date night, and date nights aren’t movies or concerts or even dinner out. Think of the impact, how widespread. This is what makes me sick. We’re really going to be paying for this for a long time, America. And we’ve not even been in the thick of it for an entire week yet.

But it’s okay. We’ve got the promise. The promise that this, too, shall pass.

Just be sure to wash your hands in the meantime.