Your Top Three Priorities Jan 2020 WP#7

Evidently goals don’t equal priorities. Maybe I should have read through this list a little better before I committed. There I go, jumping in feet first, as usual.

#1 Be happy Sometimes this is hard….but only if I compare my life to others’. And sometimes it’s easy….when I compare my life to others’. A double edged sword. I once read somewhere that if we all threw our problems in a pile, and saw what everybody else was dealing with, we’d jerk ours back right quick. I believe this in my heart and soul.

#2 Be thankful This is easy. I did 30 Days of Thankfulness on Facebook several years in a row. But just to remember, and list, even if it’s the same things every day, it doesn’t make me any less thankful. I AM thankful for running water and indoor plumbing and my big soft bed and my cozy house and my lovely job and all my friends and family. I AM thankful for the food in my belly and my strong legs and my determination and willpower. I AM thankful to live in this great country and pray when I want to and salute the flag and honor my President and read any book I want.

#3 Be Truthful This does not mean I’m gonna go shouting it from the rooftops, but, as always, be careful when asking for my opinion. Most of y’all know this. I’m ruthless without even realizing it. But I’d rather have the truth any day over a lie. Any. Damn. Day. Don’t spare my feelings. It hurts a thousand times worse when I find out from someone else. So show me the same courtesy. The truth will stand when the world is on fire.