What I Always Will Be

I am not a secret
I am a siren
I am not a mediator
for those who are weak
I am the spokesman
I will not drag you with me
I will proudly walk alone
Because I faced the worst
a long time ago
I am strong willed
Strongly opinionated
Strong legs to stand tall
not for running
Strong lungs to exhale
and blow you from me
I will continue, undaunted
Caution trampled
I am not sugar
I am gin
That bites back
I am honest to a fault
voir dire
I am blue eyes and unruly red hair
I am tears for an instant
Then I am fierce
I am a switchblade when my anger flares
I am not a shrinking violet
I am a strutting, bold raven
With thorns held in my beak
For my nest in the highest, sturdiest oak
I have never been a coward
But will shatter my heart with a disaster
To prove I will rise from the flames
I will not listen when you
label me with your insecurities
Your aggression is nothing to me
My confidence is a fortress
I will not heed your warnings
and think that I am broken
Because you don't approve
of What I Am.

*Listening to Kacey Musgraves this morning, who is not pageant material either