Lent 2019 Day 35

~Wednesday April 10th

A long time ago, this lady would come in the Co-op once a week and buy birdseed. She was always friendly but did not loiter. She just got the items on her list and away she went.

One day, I inquired after a gentleman that I frequently waited on that worked for the same outfit she did. I hadn’t seen him in awhile, and frankly, I was worried about him. (He was a little gruff, but I like to think I had worn him down some with my cheerful and slightly sarcastic demeanor). That got us to talking. Turns out, we had a lot in common. The more we talked, the more we wanted to talk. She increased her visits to twice a week so we had more chat time. We swapped recipes. We quoted movies. We conversed about mutual acquaintances. It wasn’t long before our talks could no longer be contained to 45 minute segments at the counter & we made plans for an afternoon of floating on the lake.

Most of y‘all know I like to be neck deep in water. I don’t even mind fish nibbling at me (although those in the gulf DID get a little aggressive). But Tammy Lynn is convinced that alligators and bull sharks exist in Douglas Lake and they will attack, lest she stay hyper aware. At one point during the afternoon, a sizable fish decided that I was a tasty treat and got a little too bold. I squeaked and thrashed a bit, coming off my float. Tammy Lynn, much closer to the shore than I, made a dash for the bank. When I say scissor stroke, I really mean that she looked like an outboard motor on a speedboat gunning for the finish line. She was about six feet inland by the time I got straightened out. And I was laughing so hard….well, lets just say it’s a good thing I was in the water. I’m laughing all over again, typing this. I mean FUNNNEEEE.

She’s made me biscuits, salsa, and buttered toast with eggs. We commiserate over our curly hair and compare notes on taming it. I truly wish y’all could meet her JUST to hear about the time she took her neighbor fish guts to use as fertilizer. Let me just tell you, by the end of it, she was wearing a motorcycle helmet. She’s truly wonder woman, she can do some plumbing, fold a fitted sheet, and she built her own kitchen table! She loves Jesus in the most pure and heartfelt way, and honors him by occasionally singing his glory. I cannot put into words how country she is, or how funny (but know that you will either spit out your drink or pee your pants if you do get to have a conversation with her). She convinced me to read a 832 page book, when we all clearly know I ain’t got time for that! (And I loved it). There are just some people I feel an instant kinship to, and she is one of them.

Now. When I started this Lent challenge, of course I messaged her to see what she would like me to pray for and to sacrifice. She’s a nurse, so she’s naturally busy. A new homestead on top of that. And if I recall, she was going to see her daddy who lives in Yankeeland around that time, too. She told me she wanted to read the book of Solomon one weekend, or maybe something else, and that I could take that up with her, and she’d get back to me on specific prayer requests. Well, I never heard for sure anything but then last Tuesday evening I got a text that her mother-in-law had suddenly passed.

I suppose there is a certain reassurance in knowing where your loved one is headed, but there is probably a whole lot more heartbreak in that you don’t get to see her any old time you want anymore. And the sorrow Tammy Lynn feels for her husband losing his mother is even greater. The only other consolation is that she didn’t suffer, they didn’t have to watch her mind and body deteriorate. She didn’t have to worry about being a burden on her children, and they didn’t have to agonize about her health for a decade. Just like a dandelion in the wind, she is gone. You have to find your peace where you can. Sometimes you have to look mighty hard for it.

Heavenly father, we do not know when our time will be. Some of our greatest disappointments are when our plans don’t line up with yours. But our plans are meaningless; you show us this again and again. But it still comes with suffering. I pray for the hearts of the ones left behind that are missing that sweet soul you gained Tuesday. I know, without knowing her, that she is leaving a passel of aching friends and family. I pray specifically for John and his son, Thad. I know they were extremely close, as they have lived nearby all these years. I know their hurt is a true pain, a deep cut. I pray that your strength and comfort fall over their shoulders like a warm blanket. I pray for Tammy Lynn to have the right words at the right time, and failing that, a comforting embrace for John to come to. I pray for his father, Lord, as he goes forward with his life without his wife of so many decades. May his neighbors and church friends console him and help him on his way. May they all remember that she is truly home now, and all her troubles have floated away. Thank you for the quick passing, with minimal pain and stress. Thank you for this loving woman, and for her immediate acceptance of my friend. It is obvious she was well and truly loved. Thank you for the wonderful person she was, and for her ability to spread your word in such a way to bring people closer to you. Thank you for so many people coming together and reaching out and letting the family know she was a truly treasured soul. I also want to pray for Tammy Lynn’s career in nursing, she worked so hard for it and continues to battle daily with an assortment of troubles. I hope that she finds it rewarding and can keep sight of the ultimate goal: to provide comfort and stability to those in need. I pray that she understands quickly how ever the patient is able to communicate with her, and I pray that her coworkers bond together to make everything manageable. May her superiors know her heart and her will, Lord, and do everything in their power to provide an easier way. May they all love and appreciate her. May John’s work continue to support them and may he find relaxation fishing. Help them keep their eyes, hearts, and hands focused on your work. I am not the wholly inclusive and thorough prayer that Tammy Lynn and John are, they’ve had more practice and are completely filled with the spirit. But know that my focus is true, and that I love them. I thank you for the friendship they bring to me, and the awesome joy they spread wherever they go. Thank you for helping them find each other, we are all better for it. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

How do I know this woman was so loved when I’d never met her a day in my life? Because I drove to Greeneville Saturday and witnessed the turnout. People by the hordes. Church ladies whispering in groups and young children darting around in the hallway. Tammy Lynn in her sassy shoes. John with dry eyes, but a look about him of a shattered heart.

Green County sure is beautiful in the spring. It’s also very green. In front of the funeral home stood a magnificent tree. TL & I made plans to climb it one night by the light of the moon. We decided if we get arrested for climbing the tree in front of the funeral home, well, it would make a good story.

I love chapstick. I have at least three tubes on my person at any given time. My most recent favorite is Sun Bum brand. It’s pretty pricey, as far as chapstick goes, but it’s worth it. I also really like the Apple Barn brand. It’s only $1.99. I used to be a big fan of Burt’s Bees, but it’s a little too waxy and hard now that I’ve discovered these other two. Now. All that being said, understand that I reapply probably a dozen times a day. Maybe more. I keep two handy right here in my desk drawer so I don’t have to go digging around in my purse. Another person who loves chapstick is my dear friend Tammy Lynn. And since I never got around to reading the good book with her, and she desperately needed my prayers last week, I gave up chapstick. It was quick, and I missed it enough to be praying for her as often as I should. I know somebody else that really appreciates chapstick, and I know because she brought me a tube one time.

Love ya sis. You’re the best.

Amelia xoxo