Lent 2019 Day 31

Today, I pray for the liars. That’s hard to do. Because, if I’m being honest (huh, the irony) I don’t wish them the best. I wish them the worst, really. Because lying is generally premeditated. It takes some doing.

Liars, as you well know, come in all shapes and sizes. They lie to get attention. They lie as a cover up. They lie out of habit. They lie to give their life a little excitement. I don’t understand. It’s like they think they’ll never get caught. I’ve got news for them: the truth always comes out. They think their lies will only hurt themselves, if they hurt anybody. That’s not true either. For instance, if you were to meet someone that somebody you know has been telling tales on, you have a preconceived notion of this person. Which isn’t even true! You can’t give them a fair shake. It’s not fair. And that’s not right. Sometimes it’s not easy to detect a liar. Sometimes the liars seem so good, and the people they talk about are people you’re unlikely to ever run across. So they’ve created a well-laid trap. But eventually….the truth is exposed. And it’s a million times worse if it doesn’t come straight from the liar, with apologies extended for their shortcomings.

For this test of will, I gave up crying. I wish I could give it up forever and always. I cry way too easily. I’ve even been known to cry because I’m crying, how ridiculous is that? It has nothing to do with hormones, or the weather, or any number of things people like to blame it on. I cry because I’m tenderhearted and wear my emotions on my sleeve and because I’m a crybaby from way back. I cry when I’m sad, I laugh, I cry when I get hurt, I cry when I’m super angry. I’m just tender, I guess. I should never have a problem with my tear ducts needing washed out. And I should never waste another tear on a liar. Because they certainly aren’t crying. They don’t care.

Lord, you hear our pleas. This prayer is for all of us, because we’re all affected. People just don’t seem to think about the repercussions for their actions anymore. Their lies affect us all, and they hurt like a gut punch. We know when we’re being lied to, and society dictates that we keep our mouth shut. So we stand there, politely listening, and feeling ridiculous. And the liar’s tale grows and swells and they really think they’re taking us for a ride. What can be their purpose? Do they feel inadequate without their version of events? When does it end, Lord? I pray for you to work on them, show them the only way is the truth, and that people will truly love them, regardless of how boring they think they are without the embellishments. If they have children, they are teaching these kids how to deceive from such a young age it will be difficult to set them right. It takes a lot of work to undo a lie, but I think the person who told it will find it’s worthwhile to come to terms and unburden themselves. They’ll feel so much lighter and hopefully find peace in truth. I pray that the ears that have been lied to with will not withhold forgiveness. May we all learn to love more like you. In Jesus name, Amen.

Now, on to general musings that don’t have a thing to do with the rest of this.

It was a good day for wildlife. It had rained overnight and I was surprised by the number of earthworms in my parking lot. I counted twenty seven on the way from my car to the door. It saddens me to think how many I flattened on my way in. I like worms. They’re, like, an affiliate of the NRCS.

When I took my daily promenade with Aquaman, we’re standing out from his building, finishing our conversation, and his eyes darted and he interrupts himself saying, “is that a possum?!?” And points.

Contrary to popular belief, it is NOT every day we see possums waddling down the sidewalk in the middle of the afternoon, even though we are in Tennessee.

I turn to look and sure enough, there is a little round gray body scurrying across the road at the crosswalk, just like he should be. It tickled me so. I watched him for several minutes. I don;t know if he was scavenging food or searching for a mate, but I don’t believe he had rabies or anything. He was just out roaming. Maybe he’s an insomniac.

Funny. Possums are liars. “Playin’ possum”?? Yeah, little fakers.
The rabbits and squirrels and birds were also out in full force, taking advantage of the weather. It is blissfully perfect right now, I have to say. I shall appreciate it as well. But not so much that I will cry from the joy of it all. I will not cry for happiness or thankfulness or sadness this day. I will not cry from disappointment, or expectations, or the fear of the unknown. I will not spill one little tear.

But tomorrow, all bets are off.

Love from Appalachia,

Amy xoxo