Lent 2019 Day 20

I once had a job where it seemed nothing I did was right. Even if it had been right that morning, by afternoon it was wrong. And it wasn’t just me that was wrong, it was all of us. But it wasn’t our fault. Our boss was under a lot of pressure and it affected his reasoning ability. We loved him anyway, because he had one of our best interests at heart- a job to depend on. But that was a little hard to remember on occasion when you’re racking your brain wondering what you could have done differently.

It was during this time I met someone whom I came to depend on for my own sanity. She was easy to talk to, she understood seemingly all aspects of my life. She constantly told me it wasn’t my fault, just to roll on. Rock steady. So I would.

This gal had experienced her share of being misunderstood. For her part, she’s nearly covered in tattoos, head to foot. People judge. So when she opened her mouth to reprimand her son in the store instead of just letting him run rampant, it gave people pause 🙂 She’s the sweetest soul you can imagine; she has a soft spot for creatures. Especially her old pug Herman. She has a gorgeous, elegant, long-haired, grey-tipped cat named Shakespeare. She has a weakness for beer and tacos, and to counteract that, she has a running habit. She’s Steven Tyler’s biggest fan. We share a mutual love for yoga, lilies, and Guns-n-Roses.

Today is for Roxy.

Lord, I thank you for this girl who has a bone-deep understanding of the trials and tribulations that just come from living life. I am better for knowing her. I ask that you keep her mind clear and her nerves placated during this time her husband will be incapacitated from his surgery. I pray that she doesn’t lose her temper or become distant or feel underappreciated. I pray that her husband recovers quickly, with little pain. I also ask that her son have a desire in his heart to help out as much as he can. Let these six weeks draw them together, Lord, and show appreciation and love like no time before. May they find many laughs and a closer relationship to one another and you. May their hearts grow as they give and receive care, and a nurturing aspect blooms. I ask that she continue to be a non-judgmental listener for all those who know her, and give her the wisdom to guide them on the right path. Thank you for her loving heart, Lord, and may she always be empathetic to all those in plight. We praise you for her growing family, may they be blessed and go forward showing love to everyone whose paths they cross. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

When I asked her to pick something for me to abstain from, I told her this was her chance to be cruel. Sweet girl said she would never be cruel to me. She wanted me to fast thoughts that it was my fault. You might not think I ever think things are my fault, but I do have a little bit of brain devoted to rethinking my words and actions. They say it takes two to tango but sometimes decisions are made so far from left field it’s hard to wrap your head around how it came about, never mind how you could play a part in something so completely devastating. And so I’m not investing any more energy into racking my brain about it. Furthermore, it’s not worth it. The worst part is adjusting to a new normal after having my mind made up it was going to be completely different. That’s what hurts. That’s what is completely terrifying. But I’ve never backed down from a challenge, and I won’t start now. Go on. Say “I dare you.” It’s never turned out well for the daring party. I’ve got fire in my eyes and stars in my soul, and Heaven help the ones who cross me nowadays.

It’s hard to know someone. Especially when they’re not honest with themselves.

So here’s to the power we all have within us, vested by the Lord. I only have to believe something better awaits me around the corner, down the road, or maybe I’ll have to wait for the other side. But things are already much improved. I count my blessings every day. And y’all are among them. And that means you especially, Roxy.

Love, GeorgeAnn