Lent 2019 Day 19

You ever had something happen and maybe it was so earth shattering you didn’t fully comprehend it until days or weeks later? Maybe even months or years? Like, someone dying and you just kinda coasted along for awhile because things still had to get done, details had to be taken care of, people who were distraught needed to be comforted? Part of my prayer today will be for someone going through this, the loss of a mother and a divorce. Neither of these circumstances happened recently, but delayed trauma is real. Maybe it’s the brain’s way of coping. Maybe you can only grieve when you have time. Maybe I don’t know and I’m just typing my what-ifs out because it seems like I’m forever crying about something, whether it happened five minutes or five years ago.

My sacrifice today was candy. That’s not a huge sacrifice for me, as I’m only tempted by potato candy, peanut M&Ms, and Rolos, and none of those were in my immediate proximity today. And breathing sugar all day has a way of turning you against it. Did I tell y’all I had purple boogers last week?


Job hazard, I reckon.

Do you think we meet people by accident? Or do you think we’re all exactly where we’re supposed to be at all times? I don’t know, but I’m glad I met this one. Fellow redhead, fellow fashionista, fellow dog mom, with a tell-it-like-it-is attitude. Don’t waste my time or my money kind of gal. Best interests at heart, would give you her last pair of shoes (well, maybe not the last pair) and ready to plot revenge over cheese dip anytime. Just holler.

I pray this evening for this sweet girl’s health. She’s fought some battles, Lord, more than most of us at this age. I pray for complete healing of her stomach especially, as well as any other concerns that arise. May she be able to partake in any foods without it upsetting her system. (Feel free to keep any excessive calories away, though, if that’s not asking too much). I thank you for her beauty, that comes from the inside out, and her fighting spirit. I thank you for her artistic eye and charismatic charm. I pray for someone close to her as well, may they be able to grieve openly and effectively for people long gone. May they carry no guilt for the feelings they neglected to address and may they seek your guidance in the coming days to release this sorrow. I pray that they find solace in knowing we are all in your hands, Lord, for now and for always, as long as we believe you sent Christ to die for our sins. I thank you for all my friends I’ve met along the way. I thank you for the beautiful day and for sweet fur babies that share in our day-to-day lives and are ALWAYS glad to see us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

I will stress again, if you want me to pray for you, just send me a message. I don’t check the email to my blog often, but I can be reached on Facebook messenger. I don’t have to use your name if that’s what you’re concerned about. I don’t even have to know you personally. It is our God-given duty to pray for one another. And it is my pleasure.

Good night and God bless,

Love from Appalachia, Amy xoxo


  1. Cat Janeway | 25th Mar 19

    Three little words: I love you

    • Amy | 26th Mar 19

      I love you too Cat <3

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