Would You PLEASE

Yesterday, I discovered another habit I don’t like in people.

This should surprise no one. But not to worry, I’m gonna counteract it with something I do like.

I don’t like these people that you’re having a conversation with, and after about ever two sentences or so, they say, “okay?” like you’re not smart enough to be following. It’s super annoying. I knew at his age he probably wasn’t even aware he was doing it, but I wondered how many other people had been angered by it. Yes, angered. It elicited that strong of an emotion in me. So much so that I stopped listening to him, which probably just enforced his opinion of me being an airhead. But it seemed extra condescending. I just wanted him OUT. He was asking me about taxes. Brother, I don’t even do my own taxes, I’m certainly not qualified to give you advice on yours. How ’bout you ask the accountant that you pay to do them? How ’bout that, okay?

I’ve also found this type to pointedly sniff the air when it’s obvious what is cooking. Or if someone is painting their nails or doing a craft. Yeah, we get it. there’s an aroma.

Now. On the other hand. Here’s what I like:when I’m gearing up to tell you a story and I say something like, “You’ll never guess who I saw.”


It’s like, one of my favorite things! It’s a way of showing you’re invested in my story. And, it’s FUN! You can name someone or something totally outlandish and we heehaw about it till I forget what I was even going to tell. I love it! And it brings up a whole other dimension of conversation, it triggers a memory of the someone they brought up. You only have to guess once if you give me a good answer, but if it sucks and is so wildly off base I roll my eyes then you have to give me a legitimate guess. But I won’t keep you all day.

Anyway, always guess. I’ll love you forever for it. Otherwise, I become exasperated and might stop telling you anything. *Might* …..it’s doubtful.

So there are my two. Whatchu got? Of course I could go on for days, but I won’t. Not on this particular post, anyway. Perhaps you’re someone who hates people who make you guess….which would be interesting if you also say “okay?” when talking to people, not giving them direction….