New You Jan WP#7

Of course a January topic would be “New You”. New Year’s Resolutions and all that. Every year I say I’m gonna do better. I’m not gonna cuss so much, I’m gonna quit being such a gossip, I’m gonna stay off the internet and quit ordering books and start reading the ones I already have.

It never works. I rarely even make it to the afternoon of January 1st. So this year I said I was gonna write more. I adopted a second writing challenge. I was doing alright till last weekend, when I became a lazy slug. I was exhausted from packing up all my Christmas decorations and I finally had a clean house and I just wanted to lay around and enjoy it. Which I did, and no writing was accomplished. I have also abandoned all hope of keeping my checkbook balanced. I’ll just have to spot check my bank. Or something. *yawn*

But I tell you what I HAVE been doing. I’ve started going to spin. Spin? you ask. Yes. That’s a stationary bike that you pedal. And you don’t just pedal lackadaisically, you pedal like the hounds of hell are nipping at your feet. You engage the resistance, and you feel like you’re pedaling underwater because by then you’re sweating so hard you think you’re swimming. I take my glasses off, which I never ever ever do unless I’m sleeping, showering, or swimming. But I figured out I don’t need to see anything while I’m cycling to certain death. It’s dark in there, anyway, which is a blessing. I’m sure I look like the old gray mule slogging up the lane after working all day in the salt mines. But the music is pumping, my heart is pumping, and my legs are….jello. They’re not happy with me, and neither is my hind end. I’m not sure who designed those seats, or why there’s never been an improvement on them in all these years, but you just suffer through. If it was easy, it wouldn’t burn calories. And so I pedal. Sometimes not very fast, and I may be turning down the resistance when I’m supposed to be turning it up. But I don’t quit. That’s not really an option, anyway. At least the music is so loud they can’t hear me scream. Seems like everybody can hear my singin’, though. And what is strange is that by my second visit, I was totally addicted. I even went on a different day last week so I wouldn’t miss it for book club. #dedication As an added bonus, it helps me sleep. Forget about the healthy heart, I’m for anything that helps me sleep more soundly.

There have been other changes as of late that I’m not prepared to talk about but let’s just say that a weld is the strongest point on metal if it’s done right. And I’ve got a mighty welder at work on me. I was never fine china, anyway. I prefer the term Steel Magnolia.

I’m not eating any different, just to be sure you understand I’m still the Amy you’ve come to know and love. A person can only take so much. And I’m still a procrastinating, scatterbrained gossip with unruly red hair. I shalt not cast a stone. But I will run my mouth. If only that counted as exercise! I’ve also been walking around the block of the afternoon with a buddy of mine that works downtown. It’s kinda therapeutic. We often see things we somehow missed the day before. Like moss. Or a birds nest. I stomped through some rain puddles the other day for the first time since I was a child. On these walks, life is paused. We don’t check our phones, we don’t fret, we just walk and talk, easy in each other’s company.

I can’t think of anything else that’s new with me. Minor tells people he’s known me for twenty years, and I’m the same today as I was twenty years ago. That makes me smile. I think I am, fundamentally. But I like to think I’ve grown a little too, and not just through the waist.

Happy New Year, y’all. May the coming months bring us all peace and good health.