New Year WP#1

Happy New Year!!!

2019. Hmm.

I’m challenging myself to write more this year. Last year I set a goal of reading more, which I achieved, but not the number of books I wanted to read (75, I only got to 63). I took up a digital farming game back in the summer and unfortunately my reading fell by the wayside.

Anyway, a couple of years ago, I got a Kindle book: 1,000 Awesome Writing Prompts. I was skimming through it recently and found out they are, indeed, awesome. I’m starting haphazardly at the 9% mark and will be flitting around to wherever suits me. Or I might get all brave and do a blind selection. Anyway, this particular prompt that piqued my interest is in the Flash Fiction section. I didn’t even know there was such a thing, so I’m learning already! Flash fiction is either a word count maximum or a maximum time you’re allowed to write on the subject. Or I guess both! It sounds truly challenging for me, as I tend to get carried away, but perfect for the first day of the year when we’re all laying around after foundering on shrimp & cheese grits, cornbread, and collard greens.

I still have all my decorations to put away. Except the big tree. It was dead as a hammer so I took care of it Sunday.

So hopefully this will get me back in the comfortable capacity I once wrote in. I hope you are entertained as always, and hopefully you will be able to watch me grow as I learn to write on command. Or as much of instruction I will ever take.

So we begin, this first day of the rest of our lives.

Or, as laypeople would call it, January 1st, 2019.

{Duration: One Minute (!!!)

There’s a countdown towards midnight of the New Year. Something happens at the stroke of 12. What is it?}

It was thirty seconds till midnight and we weren’t doing anything special. I think the dog was asleep. Firecrackers were already being set off by the overzealous, or maybe the drunk. And then…. something else.

A scream, splintering wood, and I knew the scream was mine when my ability to do it was taken away by two rough, hairy hands.

So at the start of everyone else’s beginning, there was my end.

…You can’t do much in a minute.

Would y’all prefer I don’t tell you the prompt and just let you read? Feedback please!

I am humbled and grateful you took the time to read this, and for those of you who have always encouraged me to write more, I am especially thankful to you. I hope the coming year will bring you everything you pray for, and plenty of things you don’t.