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Daily Archives: December 31, 2017

What You Make Of It

What is with all the hate of 2017? All these people kicking it to the curb! Shoot, it ain’t nothing to do with the year. It’s just…shit happens. I don’t think January 1st is going to bring some great light shining on you pointing the way to happiness and dreams fulfilled. New Years isn’t magical. You’ve got to stick it out, suck it up, and go out searching for the next big thing. We can’t have everything we want! I would have liked to have seen the Vols play for the SEC Championship. I would also have liked to seen a size 8 again, but I’m not willing to give up my sedentary lifestyle or vast amounts of cupcakes I consume. I would like certain people to live for a good long time and others can drop–well. You get my point.  I’m not much for resolutions. I fail at every turn, why would I subject myself to more misery? One year I said I wanted to stop gossiping.  We all know how that worked out.  One year I wanted to keep a journal.  Um.  One year I wanted to lose weight.  Bahahahahahhaahahaahaha!!!!! But you know, this year, I’m going to change a few things. I have to buy less, because I’m going to have to make a major purchase in…