Nothing Special

I spent one of the final days of summer on my porch.

My porch is nothing fancy. I know this shocks some of you to your very core, seeing as how I’m such a fancy cat myself. But it’s utilitarian, concrete, with no handrail, no screening, and no paint. However, it does boast a rocking chair and two slobbery companions. The view is alright, far enough from the road to be apart from the action with a wide expanse of grass in between.

I sat there and took note of an irregular breeze that caused a few leaves to rustle and spiral downward. I watched a few birds come and peck out sunflower seeds. I started a new book, and put it down to pick back up one I’ve been trying to read for a few weeks now. But neither one held my attention. At least the neighbors were nowhere to be seen, nor their constantly barking dogs. I relished the quiet. I watched Lightning repeatedly invade Sugar’s space. She didn’t act like she noticed. I think she’s past caring.

I’ve cooked everything this weekend. I feel like I spent all my time at the sink or in front of the stove. I made bacon wrapped pickles, crab dip, and stuffed mushrooms for the game yesterday. Johnny declared it “weird” and barely touched it. By 8:00 I felt sorry for him, since all he’d eaten was a bowl of Apple Jacks and a few hot pocket triangles (so much better than originals), so I made spaghetti. It was a good choice, as I had the mushroom stems to use and two ounces of cream cheese.

Today I made biscuits (the frozen kind, lets not get too carried away), bacon, sweet tea, boiled 10 eggs for Shug’s breakfast this week, and fixed up four chicken bowls for lunch this week. Then I added artichoke hearts, velveeta, more hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce to the crab dip to see if that made it any more edible. Velveeta and Texas Pete helps everything, according to the muscles of the plantation.

I’ve had a pretty good month so far. I’ve got to read my favorite sentence three times. What, you don’t know it? “Amy was right.” The first time was when one of my former coworkers text me to let me know a certain coworker I detested was fired. “She was crazy. You were right.” I don’t know why it took them this long to figure it out, and I also didn’t know that she had doubted me. The next was in a work email, but I don’t remember the details. And the last time was just moments ago on Facebook. One of my friends has a snail problem in her fish tank but she kind of likes them, but they’re beginning to take over. She was wondering if she removed all but one or two if that would be a problem. I told her she’d be back in the same boat before long, because snails do not need a mate to procreate. And some stranger chimed in with, “Amy is right.” ***Cheshire Cat Smile*** Not that I had any doubts, I learned that in a science class decades ago. Some stuff just sticks with you. But it’s always nice to hear. Or read, as the case may be.

Anyway. That’s ,y day. I hope you find time to reflect. It’s the pause button of life. Use it wisely.