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Daily Archives: November 13, 2013

Hard knocks life

Thankful for antibacterial soap & cell phones. Both have saved me multiple times. The most notable was at Walters State…I had to palpate a cow. If you don’t know what that means, look it up. I thought I was gonna be a veterinarian until that moment. Yes, I was wearing a glove but you don’t feel very sanitary after performing that little act, so I squirted a sizable dollop of Bath & Body Works finest onto my palms & some of the guys thought it was just sooooo hilarious & were gettin me down the road~as always~about not being a real cowgirl because I couldn’t take a little poop (I was in up to my SHOULDER). My momma just so happened to call in the midst of all the ribbing. Cell phones were a novel thing back in ’97 so I got picked on for my phone ringing in a dairy barn, too. Meanwhile, mom is threatening to drive to Jefferson County to kick some cowboy @$$. And she would have, too. Good times. But I wouldn’t trade those days for all the apple butter in Georgia. Ain’t that right, John Larrance & Jena Miller? 11-13-13 8:31pm…