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Browsing Tag: #thankful

Shugar Shugar

I’ve been waiting for the perfect day for this one. I am thankful for J. He is so wonderful 🙂 I don’t know how I made it so long without him. He is extremely funny, sometimes so much so that he catches me unaware. He is strong, he performs all the chores that I beg off with the excuse: “I’m a girl…” (i.e. cleaning out gutters, mowing the yard, grilling, landscaping…I’m gonna stop before y’all get some hare-brained idea that I’m lazy 😉 ). He is intelligent, he can carry on a conversation with just about anybody about anything. I don’t have to worry about bringing him to a co-op function-or a political fundraiser, or dinner with people he’s never met, or high school reunion- and having to entertain him, he’s got it. And he looks good doin’ it 😉 He loves animals, I’m sure all of you know about the groundhogs at the Johnson Plantation. He gets along great with my family–better than me, most of the time! Its disgusting!!! 😉 He’s a hard worker, I’ve never known him to miss a day of work. He may complain about the perils of being an electrician, but I know he’s a company man after seeing him work from six in the morning till ten at night (for…

Thirty Days of Thankfulness

I could be thankful for a whole host of things today: Sundays off, good books, leftover pot roast & grilled cheese dinner, my cozy monogrammed blanket…but I’m gonna be thankful I’m not Bear Grylls’ wife. Have you ever watched his show? He is a MANIAC. He eats SCORPIONS. RAW. And rolls around in mud for wildfire protection. And kills rattlesnakes with a stick. And makes rafts from oil barrels & ancient Styrofoam. And sleeps suspended in discarded fishing nets high in the trees. And that’s not all. That’s barely the tip of the iceberg…or should I say glacier&#8230…

Losing Time

Two funerals in two days is too many. It makes you think about your own mortality, that’s for sure. Rex Pitner was killed on his tractor Tuesday evening, but by all accounts he went quickly & doing what he loved. I will miss Rex. He was a big man, which if you judged by looks alone you would think he was easily riled. That was not the case. He had an easy smile & loved to kid me. I dished it right back out. I never saw him angry, which is something, because he was in the stor…e at least twice a week (& despite our best efforts, we typically end up eventually ticking you off one way or another). He never ever ever had an ink pen & always wrote a check. I didn’t mind loaning him my pick-of-the-litter ink pen because he never failed to give it right back. If it hadn’t been disrespectful, I’d have liked to slip one in with him tonight. Hate for him to be unprepared 😉 Happy Trails, Mr. Pitner…

Almost Over

I’m thankful I didn’t have to go into work last night to sell JUNK to the hordes of lunatics who camped out. I’m also thankful I had the sense to stay in & sleep & not make the news actin’ a fool shopping for more crap this morning.  ….ok, ok, I know that isn’t very nice but you see the news & there’s always some wide-eyed lady who just can’t believe how wild it was & how people were fighting & grabbing. Give me a break. If you got some awesome deals, good for you, hope it was worth it. I hope you’ve got your priorities straight. My personal belief is that if you ever worked retail on Black Friday you probably wouldn’t contribute to the madness. The sheer force of people in a hurry, their brutality if you weren’t fast enough, or Katie bar the doors if something rang up wrong. I also believe if you ever had to work on a major holiday & didn’t get to spend time with your family, you wouldn’t participate in the Thanksgiving Day sales. I may be wrong. But I worked for dispatch long enough to miss out on quite a few holidays & even if spending time with my family wasn’t my most favorite thing in the world, I still missed it acutely…

Wedded Bliss

I’m gonna be somewhat superficial in my thankfulness today.  I am thankful for my wedding. July 21st was a wonderful day. It was pretty much perfect. This was due to a lot of people working their hind ends off. Every woman should get the flawless wedding of her dreams. I was fortunate enough to have it all: from the horse drawn carriage & elaborate dress, to the sweetest cake & beautiful venue. Not to forget the best maid of honor in the history of the world~anybody that can keep me calm for seven months solid deserves a trophy. And the groom was sooo handsome and accomodating 😉 AND it didn’t rain. That was monumental. I spent a lot of knee time in the weeks prior praying for that specific thing. It paid off, it rained all around us but not at the Ramsey House. So I’m just thankful for everyone who took part in my special day & helped make it the most awesome day ever. It laid the foundation to a great marriage. I am blessed…

Thankful for Co-op Friends

Thankful for my job. Actually, to be more honest, I am thankful for the friendships it has forged. I feel like I have a long lost sister in Jill Wilson after spending just a few short days together in Vegas 🙂 some of my customers are pretty awesome. They have taught me more about the world than college ever did. I have made some amazing contacts & I almost feel famous when I go to horse shows or tractor pulls. I also have Co-op to thank for my marriage. Shug used to come in every Friday afternoon to buy TWO 50# bags of dog food. I would anticipate his arrival, counting down the minutes, pacing in the showroom with one eye on the door. The rest is history lol! My whole life has been shaped by that store. But its more than that…it is a way of life. I have memories from as early as I can remember about riding there with my pap (Great-grandfather) to get garden seed & fertilizer, to picking out an easter bunny with my mom, horse feed & lead ropes later on, & an extra car key cut when I was seventeen & could drive myself. Not that I don’t have bad moments…terrible days…& weeks that feel like they are never gonna end, but after ten plus years, what would I rather be doing? I hang out all day, talking to my friends. If nothing else…

Thankful Day 5

Thankful for another day. Just now, scrolling through my newsfeed, I saw one of the “billboards” (as I like to call them) that said something to the effect of, “be thankful you are alive, someone, somewhere is fighting & drawing their last breath.” I also like the one that says “if we all took our problems & threw them in a pile to be doled out, we’d snatch our own back up.” So, I know that this day will be filled with drivers lost in space, customers lost in themselves, & probably a lunch that’s lost, period, but I know it’s quite a wondrous thing to just be alive, & I am grateful for it. Happy day, y’al…

Day 2

Alright. This one’s personal, y’all. Today I am thankful for my momma, my grandmother, and University of Tennessee football. If that sounds like a strange combination, you must have missed my status a couple of weeks ago. This is my Grandmother’s grave today. She’s been gone just over five years. I am constantly reminded of her. She LOVED football. I mean, she loved it like a man does (no offense ladies, but you know what I mean). Every time I watch a ballgame I think of her hollerin’ & being on the edge of the couch when it was 3rd down for the opposing team: “Hold ’em boys, hold ’em…” Yes, that’s a football on her headstone. Underneath, it says “Go Vols!” I’m not even kidding. I’m thankful mom takes care of her grave because Lord knows I can’t. I’d be crying & snotting so hard the funeral directors would have to drive me home. I’m thankful these women taught me how to understand the game, & how to be a good sport. And today is a great example of “I’m for Tennessee & whoever’s playin’ Florida.” True story. Go Dawgs. And GO VOLS…

Thankful for Facebook (Believe it or Not)

Last day of thankfulness. I could go on a good bit, but I will just be thankful for y’all today. I’m thankful that facebook has renewed a few friendships for me. I’m also thankful it’s a quick way to get in touch if I don’t have your phone number or email. I really enjoy seeing your life events & even just the little day-to-day things that make up your story. I appreciate those of you who have taken the time to read my thoughts, & I thank you for liking & commenting on my status’, pictures, whatever. That’s what it’s all about! That’s how we stay in touch. That’s what makes facebook FUN…

So Much

I’m running out of days to be thankful before running out of things to be thankful for! I’m thankful for material things today, though. My pickup Patsy, for one. She’s not much to look at these days, but I still love her. She serves her purpose & I’m not intimidated by people on the road, as I would be if I drove something smaller. I’m also thankful for my KitchenAid mixer. (thanks momma, great wedding present!) I don’t know how I survived without one all this time…