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Browsing Tag: #ihatethat

You, Again

November Writing Challenge Day 21 You, again.  Do you have someone in your life that keeps turning up like a bad penny? Someone you’d love to forget and never see again? Someone you wish would move to the other side of the planet?  But yet, there they are. Every time you turn around, someone is mentioning them, or you see them, or you run into them at the bank and the grocery store and the courthouse? It’s like you can’t catch a break. And you’re reminded of them every time you drive past the road they live on or see a dog the same breed they used to have or some song you know they would love?  And you hate it. And you snarl and think, you again.  It would be nice to be able to block people from our lives like we do from Facebook. But I guess that’s asking too much.&nbsp…