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Browsing Tag: #hiking


I don’t have much on my social calendar. Granted, I have more on it than I did five years ago, but I’m still not what you would call swamped. And I prefer it that way. I need time to recharge, time with my books. However, at the last board meeting, I cemented a whole whirlwind month’s worth of activities with my gal pals. We’re going to read and eat and watch the royal wedding. Friday, I finally convinced Shug to try Aubrey’s. Of course he loved it, as I knew he would. What’s not to like? Saturday was my mega-busy day for me: baby shower, hiking, dinner and drinks with two of my three lovelies. But then the rain. But maybe it wouldn’t affect the festivities. It didn’t matter to me. I could be just as happy at home, curled into a corner with my book. Unlike most people, I embrace the rain. Plus I’m too lazy to water my flowers, so it’s always welcome. The best thing about baby showers is the food. The worst thing is the children. Luckily, there were no children in attendance, so the worst part to endure was the oohing and aahing over tiny socks. Once that was over (alas, there were no games where you couldn’t say baby or win a prize for having the most abnormal crap in your…

Ramsey Cascades Near Death Experience

At the request of Meg: One of the Times I Almost Died. It was a beautiful March day. A few of us decided it would be a perfect day for a hike. It was Sunday, so we got a late start due to church. Seems like we even had a leisurely meal at Arby’s. Regardless, we decided on Ramsey Cascade’s Trail. It’s about four miles, one way. The first two easy to moderate, the last two are moderate to strenuous. No problem, we were young & in decent shape. We took off under crystal clear brilliant skies, a warning from a man I knew, that was fishing on the road there, distant in my ears: “it’s supposed to storm. Y’all be careful & watch the sky.” How could it storm on our perfect day? It was 75°. We were in thin pants & shorts. The guys wore Chaco sandals. We gently climbed, joking & teasing, laughing & taking our time. We stopped for Pringles & cokes that we had stashed in our backpacks. One of the guys was of the competitive nature, & was trying to show off, so he rushed on ahead, saying he’d see us at the top. Fine, whatever. We hiked on & stopped to admire the water about twenty minutes later. That’s when we noticed, through our oblivion, that things had changed. “Y’all, I think it&#8217…