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Browsing Tag: #helpfulhints

Oblivious Men Take Note

I’m here to help because I’m totally exasperated with the male race who pretend not to know ANYTHING about women. Here’s you a How-To. That’s how to make your woman happy. #1) Tell her she looks pretty. Because she does. #2) Tell her her hair looks nice. Because she probably did spend more than thirty seconds on it, like y’all did. We have A LOT MORE HAIR AND IT’S ANNOYING. #3) Hold her hand and open her doors. Take her coat. Walk closest to traffic. Manners. #4) Pick the restaurant. For the love of all things Holy, PICK THE RESTAURANT. We will find something to eat, I assure you. We just don’t want to have to make one more decision on this day. And if we’re craving something, rest assured we’ll tell you what it is. #5) Chick-fil-A is never wrong. #6) Find out her favorite wine and surprise her with it frequently #7) Buy her a pony. 😁 You might wanna put this in your back pocket to save for when you’ve screwed up. #8) Stop by her work. It’s ok to show up empty handed, as long as you’re smiling. #9) Offer to pick up milk and bread. #10) Text her regularly. If you think of her, text her. Even if it’s just an emoji. She won’t mind…