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Browsing Tag: #graduates


This post is not going to win me any popularity contests but, eh, my mouth never has.  Is it just me or has this graduation business gotten totally out of control? Sure, Kindergarten graduation is kinda cute, their little mini-everythings, I get it. But 5th grade graduation? And 8th grade graduation? Give me a break. You have no choice but to go on. You haven’t really done anything. You’re proving you’re getting older…that you did, indeed, learn your multiplication tables. I am not convinced that the majority learns the difference between to, two, & too. Or they’re, their, and there. Or then and than. Or through and though. But I think these are just personal peeves and it doesn’t bother anyone else nearly as much as it gripes me.  Am I just jealous? I only graduated twice-high school and college. And they were treated with the proper amount of importance and pomp. But I just can’t get on board with this crap. I think it’s a money racket, just like Valentine’s Day. A complete and utter waste. Totally over the top.  Enough with the graduating.  Celebrate something else. Like Nobel Prize winners. Or Watermelon Seed Longevity Spitters. Or Most Moon Pies Consumed During A Full Moon. Or Best Behaved Sibling. I mean, something with sustenance.  Go on. Slay me.&nbsp…