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Browsing Tag: #givingheart

1985 or 2021?

Those of you who know me well know how much I cry. I cry for little to no reason most of the time. Maybe I’m laughing so hard I cry. Maybe a song hits me just right. Maybe I’m mourning the Reese Cup I accidentally dropped on the floor. I suppose instead of Chester’s Chronicle I could do something called Amelia’s Emotions. Today, this brought me to tears. I couldn’t ask for better neighbors. They’re friendly, they’re respectful, they’re quiet. They wave at me if I’m sitting on the porch, they constantly consider me when it comes to the roaming of their chickens, they give me a heads up when they’re planning a get together so I’ll be prepared to party with them or leave the premises. They are entering their second harvest season and evidently their garden took on a life of its own this year. They had put a couple of containers out by the road when the squash started coming in. Today, it was a whole table. Now, it isn’t just their generous hearts that made me a little mushy. Scott & Chasity live in my great-grandparents house. My Papaw built that house, starting with just a few rooms, and built on as his family grew. It was a bit of a mish-mash of a house, as you would expect. When…

Hungry and Stranded

Thankful I have never went hungry a day in my life. (yes, I know, it shows) I have been ravenous, but only until I could get something fixed, or drive to acquire nourishment. I did something today I have never once done before. I rarely give to charity. I know that sounds awful, but hang on. You know how it is, especially this time of year. Every store will dollar you to death. Salvation Army camped out at the front door, making you feel guilty when you walk past, arms full of shopping bags stuffed to the gills. I can’t keep up with which organizations give the most back, then to add to that, which ones support other causes that may not be the most legitimate. Also, I see MYSELF as poor. I know, please don’t lecture me on how America has the richest people overall, & how if I’ve got a roof over my head & people that love me, I’m blessed beyond measure. I know this. I’ve never had to draw unemployment. I’m extremely fortunate. However, I live in a dated house, drive an older truck, & don’t live extravagantly by any standards. So I typically don’t donate. Then you see these people at gas stations, begging for money to go see their Grandmother who lives in Nashville because she’s had a heart attack & their car’s broke…