Stories that didn’t fit anywhere else.
You wanna know what its like at the last home game of the season? Its a roar. Its the stadium shaking so hard from the pounding from almost two hundred thousand feet that it makes your liver quiver. Its Vandy, whom as a rule aren’t even worth the energy it takes to scream yourself hoarse & then take a coughing fit because the air is so cold you can watch it float away from your mouth. Its being so chilled from the slight breeze out of the north that you can’t feel your fingers or nose but you’re vaguely aware that its dripping. Its fans not leaving in the fourth quarter because we’re only ahead by three. Its Rocky Top. Again & again. Its UT football. And I love it…
Thankful I have never went hungry a day in my life. (yes, I know, it shows) I have been ravenous, but only until I could get something fixed, or drive to acquire nourishment. I did something today I have never once done before. I rarely give to charity. I know that sounds awful, but hang on. You know how it is, especially this time of year. Every store will dollar you to death. Salvation Army camped out at the front door, making you feel guilty when you walk past, arms full of shopping bags stuffed to the gills. I can’t keep up with which organizations give the most back, then to add to that, which ones support other causes that may not be the most legitimate. Also, I see MYSELF as poor. I know, please don’t lecture me on how America has the richest people overall, & how if I’ve got a roof over my head & people that love me, I’m blessed beyond measure. I know this. I’ve never had to draw unemployment. I’m extremely fortunate. However, I live in a dated house, drive an older truck, & don’t live extravagantly by any standards. So I typically don’t donate. Then you see these people at gas stations, begging for money to go see their Grandmother who lives in Nashville because she’s had a heart attack & their car’s broke…
I am a nerd. I have always been a nerd. I will probably remain a nerd for the rest of my life. I like to read- a lot (if you haven’t caught on). I enjoy cooking, & even more than that, I love eating. I tell the lamest jokes & then laugh at them uncontrollably. I am not a trendsetter for the latest fashions, I prefer the classic tried & true pieces. I have worn glasses since I was in fifth grade even though I heard the mantra “boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses” way too frequently. Even those who loved me would go so far to say, “Why don’t you try contacts? You would be so pretty!” Really. I was only popular by association (to Meg) in my school years –as several of you could attest to. I didn’t really fit in with people my own age until I went to Walters State due to my addiction to horseback riding. I never really cared about going to concerts, or out clubbing, or having a new car. I am not ashamed of any of these things. And I’m aware its no small miracle that I’m married to such a cool, good looking man. I didn’t marry the first guy to ask me out. Don’t settle, y’all. I would say “ladies” but the…
At the request of Meg: One of the Times I Almost Died. It was a beautiful March day. A few of us decided it would be a perfect day for a hike. It was Sunday, so we got a late start due to church. Seems like we even had a leisurely meal at Arby’s. Regardless, we decided on Ramsey Cascade’s Trail. It’s about four miles, one way. The first two easy to moderate, the last two are moderate to strenuous. No problem, we were young & in decent shape. We took off under crystal clear brilliant skies, a warning from a man I knew, that was fishing on the road there, distant in my ears: “it’s supposed to storm. Y’all be careful & watch the sky.” How could it storm on our perfect day? It was 75°. We were in thin pants & shorts. The guys wore Chaco sandals. We gently climbed, joking & teasing, laughing & taking our time. We stopped for Pringles & cokes that we had stashed in our backpacks. One of the guys was of the competitive nature, & was trying to show off, so he rushed on ahead, saying he’d see us at the top. Fine, whatever. We hiked on & stopped to admire the water about twenty minutes later. That’s when we noticed, through our oblivion, that things had changed. “Y’all, I think it’…