Day 22: Your Morning Routine
Weekdays obviously vary from weekends.
Weekdays I get up between 5:30-6. Pour a cup of coffee & settle down to read emails, texts from night before, notifications on Facebook. Glance at clock & wonder how it got to be 6:15. Kiss Shug goodbye. Think about getting dressed but decide a game of candy crush never hurt anybody.
The next time I look up it’s twenty till seven. Hmm. Better not scroll Instagram.
Pick out jewelry first, because that’s the best part, and determines what kind of attitude I will have that day (Sassy, always, but there are variations). Underthings, socks (also dependent on outfit), pants, top, shoes set by the door to go on very last thing because I hate shoes.
Do I have time for breakfast? Yes. Soggy cocopuffs or AppleJacks usually. And a banana. If I take my lunch, this is when I’m grabbing the leftovers in the pyrex dish or the hot pockets & grapes. If I’m smart, I will take my shirt back off to brush teeth. If not, brush teeth & cuss for getting toothpaste down front of shirt. Dab at it & decide whether to roll with it (usually), add scarf, or change. Still need to make the bed. I fleetingly wonder why I bother, then remember that in the event of a home invasion & I’m shot & killed (not likely, as I am armed & most definitely dangerous), press & police will be examining every aspect of my life & they will see that I’m tidy, if not speckless, & a creature of habit. I make the bed, complete with accent throw pillows.
It is now two minutes till seven & I still need to do something with my hair & put on makeup.
Or a hat & hope for the best. (That was twice last week). Or maybe a funky sparkly headband to distract from my unwieldy curls.
Ugh. Definitely need to do foundation & not just eye makeup. Oh well, I’ll just drive faster.
And of course I haven’t started Patsy to get the frost melted off the windshield, so that pushes me into the red danger zone of being late for work.
And then some mornings there is Chick-fil-a & I arrive with plenty of time to spare. So it’s breakfast that makes me late. Or procrastination, whichever.
Weekends we’re typically up by seven, & we watch some movie while we play on our phones. Sometimes I read instead. And then it goes like this by eight o’clock:
Me to Shug: “You gettin’ hungry?”
“Yeah…I could eat a little something.”
“Whatchu want?”
“It don’t matter, baby.”
“Well….do you want homemade biscuits & sausage gravy? Or eggs, bacon, & rice…or omelets & fried taters? Or cereal and a banana?” I don’t offer pancakes unless I’m feeling very generous. I don’t like pancakes early in the morning. They turn my stomach with their sugary flavor.
“What do you feel like?” He always answers.
And I try to determine what he wants, unless I do have a preference.
And then I get to fixing it, we eat, I wash dishes. If I haven’t yet made the bed, I do so then. And then it’s time for a nap. Or to post a rambling status on Facebook.
Day 20: Put your music player on shuffle & write the first three songs that play & what your initial thought is
First one was “Kiss” by Prince, which I love. Reminds me of Pretty Woman, just like it does everybody else. She’s in the bathtub, with bubbles up to her ears, which are covered by headphones. She resembles a mermaid with all that wild red hair, & is singing her off-key heart out.
#2 was “Me & God” by Josh Turner. I listened a moment, but it’s not my favorite, so I went on & got “Some Sweet Day” by Ray Ball, so I suppose I cheated, but hey, this is my story, amiright?
#3 was “Loved By You” by Jewel, whom I consider a genius. I love just about everything she’s ever sung or written. She published a book of poetry several years ago & I have it. She recently came out with another one, which I have not yet acquired. She’s great. If y’all have never really listened to anything by her, give her a try.
It’s been a fine music morning so far. I had it on 94.9’s Throwback on my way in & heard several good ones (Push It, Jessie’s Girl, Moulan Rouge, & When I Come Around).
Yesterday is a different story. Perhaps y’all were wondering what the picture of the goat trail had to do with music. Well, I didn’t listen to much music yesterday. I listened to Barbara Hayes give me a tour of her corner of Grainger County.
Barb is a friend of mine from when she worked at Co-op in the small engine shop. We’ve been meaning to get together for lunch since she retired a couple of years ago, but Barb stays on the move! A week ago, we managed to pin each other down for yesterday. After a tour of her home, we decided to head to Wasabi’s on Bearden Hill for lunch. We got caught up on mutual friends over sushi & hibatchi, & then Barb asked me what I wanted to do next. I told her I didn’t care; anything was better than going home & cleaning house.
“Well, you wanna go shopping, or ride around, or what?”
“Whatever you wanna do, I’m with you.”
“Do you need to be back at any certain time?”
“Nope. But by dark would be best.”
“I know! I’m gonna take you to Grainger County! You ever been to Grainger County?”
“It’s been a looooong time.”
“I might take you by where I grew up. We’ll go out by momma & daddy’s, see if we can slip by there without getting caught.”
So off we went. We headed down 11W a ways, & shortly after entering Grainger County & identifying House Mountain & seeing where Clinch Mountain came out of the ground, we turned off the four lane divided highway onto a winding two lane road. Immediately, Barb started telling me who lives where in a stream of commentary, interrupting herself with, “Oh! I forgot to show you where the log cabin where the last remaining widow of the Civil War lived.”
“What? Cool!”
“Yeah, she just died six or seven years ago. She used to walk down our road & she scared me to death. I don’t know why. But she always had her little boy with her”—here she said their names, I don’t remember— “And she’d always stop at our house & ask for a cup of water.”
“Did you give it to her?”
“Why sure! She married when she was 14 to a man that was 65, that’s how come her to just die not long ago.”
“That’s kinda disgusting.”
We continued on as I pondered being a little girl back in these hills, the only entertainment being what your siblings provided. She showed me how far she used to walk to catch the bus, but by the time she was in high school, her sister had graduated & she was scared to walk alone, because she was afraid this cow at the corner would get her.
“Was there not a fence?”
“Yeah, but I was afraid she’d come through it!”
In addition to Barb’s many uncles & aunts scattered across the hills & valleys, we encountered a multitude of horses and sheep. I was expecting cattle & waaay more tomatoes. The only tomatoes I seen were a few beds along a hillside. And that was AFTER we passed the winery. That’s right, a winery. We journeyed over a ridge overlooking the whole valley beneath, you could see clear to the Smokies. Barb took me “around the loop” past her old homeplace & where her parents live now. We started hearing this grating noise whenever she turned the wheel so the next little turnoff we took I hopped out to see what I could see. And lo & behold, came up with a stick as big around as my thumb that we’d acquired at some point, jammed in the wheel well. We continued on, passing some fish hatchery that used to be a bird farm, a makeshift hair salon that had an old style lettered sign that spelled out “Watch me snip. Now watch me spray spray”. It was so ludicrous I snorted. We rode out to her sister’s place, a gorgeous farm situated among green fields. “You know, back there where the waterfall was,” Barb was saying to me.
I’d seen no waterfall. “What waterfall?”
“Oh, I didn’t drive you out to it. You’ve seen it, though, I’m sure.” She said the name, of course I don’t remember out of the barrage of locations & people I learned about yesterday. “Everybody goes on & on about it, come from all over to see it. Oh well, we’ve passed it now,” she says as I was getting excited about seeing it. She looks over at me. “It’s not really all that spectacular. It’s not very high or anything. It’s not natural, either, even though everybody thinks it is.”
I snorted. She went on to inform me that the CCC’s had built it before the war.
We came to what looked to be a main road. It was the biggest one I’d seen lately, anyway. It had lines & everything. Barb was peering around me to check for traffic.
“It’s clear,” I told her.
“I figured it was.” She points out the church, how her daddy had helped build it. Seemed that between her Daddy & her brother, they’d built half the county. We went on by another house that she pointed out used to belong to her aunt & uncle & when her parents would go over to visit she would sit on the rock wall out front & marvel at all the cars going by.
“And I bet you waved at ever’ one of ‘em!”
“I do remember waving,” she admitted.
We eventually came out in downtown Dandridge, & wound our way around the lake. I’d known where I was since we’d come out at the Formal Approach on the backside of Jefferson City, but I didn’t know all the people like she did & what was built when by who & for who. It was a fun trip touring the countryside with Barb. And we never turned the radio on. But I didn’t miss it.
I Five Fears That You Have
#1) Snakes. They are not to be joked around about. There is nothing funny about snakes. I have a million & one snake stories, the most famous one being the one that was hung in my porch that I thought was fake. I don’t have time to go into it, but that was a train wreck if there ever was one.
#2) Cancer. If you’ve ever been around someone dying from it, it will be your fear as well. I’m not scared of dying, but I am scared of wasting away slowly & painfully.
#3) Losing Shug. I don’t know why, but every time he doesn’t answer his phone I just know he’s hurt himself at work & nobody’s had time to call me. I used to not worry as much about him driving because a) he drives slower than turtles stampeding through peanut butter & b) he had the biggest truck in the fleet, but now they’ve downsized to half tons so I’m sure he’s dead in a ditch somewhere.
#4) That our country (specifically, our President) is gonna get us all killed, or that we are going to be governed by a bunch of liberal radicals. Oh, wait.
#5) That our house is going to burn down. Another one that’s basically unfounded. I’ve never personally known anyone whose home burned, but I imagine it’s devastating. But it’s something I worry about, & there ain’t a thing in this world to be done about it. I just try to be careful.
My social life is limited. I choose it to be so. It consists of Co-op, where I am the uncontested Social Butterfly Queen, Shug, short bursts of conversation with my bestie who lives in the middle of Nowhere, Tennessee, & the occasional text message. I might have lunch with Ashley once a quarter.
And then there’s book club, which has been minimal, just me & Rhonda. Which is fine, ’cause like I told her this afternoon, we’re the best ones. Last month we had a quirky twenty year old materialize, & this month, although I invited SIX OF YOU, it was just us. And then a lady Miss Rhonda invited showed up, & then this other lady waltzed in towards the end. She contributed a lot to the conversation, surprisingly. I learned a WHOLE NEW REDNECK WORD. “Pillbilly”. She used to be a pharmacy assistant, & turns out, that’s common lingo in pharmaceutical circles.
You just never know.
Now, page two.
Day 18: Your Favorite Color & Why
Pink is my signature color.
It’s happy, it’s girly, it’s pretty. I’ve always loved pink. I prefer hot pink or coral, not pastel pink. I always get compliments when I wear it. I love the Palmer house in Charleston. And The Olde Pink House in Savannah. I wouldn’t have a problem living in a grand old pink mansion.
“My cuhl-ahs are blush & bashful.”
“Your CUHL-ahs are pink & pink.”
“I have chosen two VERY distinct shades of pink, one is much deeper than the other.”
Fire in the sky this morning. Thankfully, it was just from the sun (or Son) & not from missile strikes.
Did I ever tell you about the first time I went to Nebraska? It was for an animal health trip, way back when in like, February of 2002, I think.
Anyway, we were on our way back to the airport, riding along in the van before daylight, across all these cornfields & wheat fields. The sky began to lighten & I blinked like a rat coming out of hibernation. It looked like it was going to be something truly spectacular, with these streaks of pink threading through the darkness.
I’d had a pretty late night the evening before, but I struggled awake, thinking “I don’t want to miss this.” So I battled fatigue & kept my eyes open & watched as more light blue filtered its way into the sky. I thought the outlines of the irrigation systems would be a stunning contrast against the brightening horizon.
And then, suddenly, everything was drenched in white light & it was over.
No magnificent blazing sky. Not much of nothing, really. It looked like the middle of the day. To say I was disappointed is an understatement.
But at least East Tennessee knows how to do it right.
Day 17: A Quote You Try To Live By
Well, there are several.
I tried to find some scriptures that relate to how I strive for compassion and patience, but ran out of patience hunting them.
So I went to my Pinterest quote board, aptly named “I Do Declare!”. Most of them don’t have an author noted, but here are a few that you can say I live by:
Be a flamingo in a flock of pigeons
Start each day like it’s your birthday
Speak the truth even if your voice shakes {LOVE}
Go ahead, underestimate me.
Some days you have to create your own sunshine
Be BOLD or italic never regular.
And the one that’s been taped to my computer at work for years: All of us could learn a lesson from the weather. It pays no attention to criticism. ~Devon Stutzman
That’s all I’ve got for you today.
I don’t understand the concept of entitlement. For example, commending someone for not stealing. Almost every day, someone comes to the counter to pay for some bolts. Some of them can get fairly expensive, as far as bolts go, & it never fails that someone says, “I could’ve stuck these in my pocket, you would have never known.” While that’s true, the Good Lord would know. And it’s wrong. I’m not going to thank you for not stealing. If you’ll steal a bolt, you’ll steal a car. I could set the Co-op on fire, too, but I choose not to do so. It’s wrong.
What the heck?!
11-17-15 11:16 am
Day 16: Bullet Your Entire Day
• Woke up (late)
• Burned tongue sipping coffee
• Fixed up beans in the crock pot
• Attire change after brisk walk to start Patsy, which left no time for makeup
• Belted out “Mama He’s Crazy” on commute
• Learned my brake light is out on the Amy side
• Thought about crawling through phone & choking woman customer who was pricing tile
• Peeled tangerine & ate it
• Wished I was home reading
• Wished I hadn’t forgotten my crackers
• Got called Pinky
• Emailed Loveday about Purina feed
• Sold a ton of reindeer feed to Kyle
• Stuffed new Montana Silver in case & hoped Kelvin & Nancy will come by soon to fix my merchandising catastrophe
• Sold $3000 worth of seed & fertilizer
• Texted Mom
• Talked about horses
• Called my Farrier Supply to check on bill correction
• Texted Shug
• Carried out squirrel corn for old man
• Shared grapes with John. It’s our thing now.
• Adjusted hat. Wished I hadn’t bought it.
• Assisted a new equine owner on the phone about feeding hay. Again. For the sixteenth time. Also assured her that when he ran in his pasture, holding his head sideways, & kicking his heels up that he wasn’t having a seizure or feeling the need to break out of his enclosure.
• Ate leftover red beans & rice for lunch
• Adjusted hat
• Got called Pinky
• Trolled Facebook
• Gave several suggestions to my friend Kay about what to do about a trespassing hunter who BUILT A TREESTAND in HER FENCED woods. It involved fire, cussing, & guns a-blazin’, & not blue paint, like TWRA suggested.
• Ate three chocolate chip cookies
• Moved pastel hedgehogs
• Put out peanuts
• Petted a dog
• Developed serious, immediate heartburn. Yankee saved the day with pink pepto pills
• Interviewed Hardin for this week’s feature. Rode in 550 to tile pile. Wished I had walked & met step goal
• Discussed camping, fudge, & the F550 with Willie
• Whined about my feet hurting, which led to Irene saying, “I like the way you pout.” To which I responded, “I’ve never heard that before.” She said she’d never said it before. Told her she might get quote of the day
• Wondered if anyone would notice if I took a nap on a pallet of grass seed
• Told a man on the phone four different times that we did not stock coated cable or chain
• Greeted Shug, who stopped by to check on getting new tires, who promptly called me Pinky & made fun of my hat
• Introduced Shug to my friend Carol
• Basked as they both said how much they love me
• Carried out dog food for a little ole lady
• Laughed when Carol told me about her featherless chicken who is residing in her living room, that she plans to buy diapers for so it can be free range. Evidently Amazon sells them. Best part: she says, “I am the biggest redneck. Nobody would believe I’m from New York. My friends up there don’t know what to think.”
• Gladly accepted crab fettuccine from my favorite Coonass
• Counted money & clocked out
• Must. Pass. All the cars!!!!
• Struggled with empty peanut boxes (I have a thing for them, they’re really cute & a perfect size)
• Began dinner preparations
• Washed dishes
• Typed all this crap
• Hunted Belk bill, found KUB bill that was due today
• Trolled Facebook
• Ate dinner (beans, cornbread, kraut & weenies, fried potatoes)
• Washed dishes
• Showered
• Read more of The Fate of Mercy Alban
• Bed
• Lay there thinking of witty comebacks I should have used today
• Wondered if Donald Trump tried the moonshine while in Knoxville
• Thanked God for my blessings
(Everything after bullet about eating dinner is speculation. This is what I imagine my evening to be, it’s the norm)
Day 6: Someone Who Fascinates Me & Why
The human population. It fascinates me that we’re not all dead, with our failure to use turn signals, to yield to emergency vehicles & people in the passing lane, & inability to follow directions. Also, that I haven’t been shot yet due to my extreme sarcasm in all instances.
Also, mermaids. Because mermaids.