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Love Grows Best In Little Houses

Thankful for our little cozy house. It is just right for the two of us & our furry 4-legged children. It’s not new (by a long shot) but I know it is well built & sturdy. I’ve rode out many a storm in the basement. If it was much bigger, I wouldn’t be able to keep it clean, anyway. Thankful for a place to call home…


Of course I’m gonna be thankful for our veterans today. And of course I’m gonna have a story to go with it. There was this crotchety old grumpy man that shopped at the store for as long as I can remember. Nothing special to set him apart, other than his strong Northern accent…which I will admit, made me dislike him even more. As the years passed, instead of getting grouchier like most people do, he began to become warmer towards us, occasionally cracking a smile or tell us to have a nice day. Then he started bringing us cakes & sweets from the Food Lion across the street. A major transformation from such an irritable old man. A few months after my wedding, I realized I hadn’t seen him in awhile. I asked a coworker that I knew would remember him, & he told me he had passed away back in the spring. I was astounded, & disappointed in myself that it had taken me so long to miss him. I went to the computer & pulled up his obituary. As I read it, I was overwhemed by what a fulfilling life he had lived. I hope that mine will be half as honorable: …”he served in the U.S. Navy during WWII fighting U-boats from a blimp…he worked for International Harvester as a tool & die maker…he worked for the Catholic Diocese of Joliet…

Might as Well Laugh

Today I’m thankful for a sense of humor. Mine AND everybody else’s. I laugh at the dumbest stuff. I love corny jokes. I enjoy looking at pictures of cat antics & videos of dogs. I crack up at the most inappropriate times. It makes the days go by faster. And I’m proud of my laugh lines-the same ones that my Clinique girl struggles to understand why I don’t care about smoothing. Laughter IS contagious. I will leave you with a few illustrations: Me, behind the counter at work, to customer walking in: “Hello.”~with a WINNING smile, of course. “Grass seed?” “Curtains?” “Grass seed?” “Pineapples?” At this point, they generally smile like I’m either a volunteer who escaped from the mental ward, catch onto my joke & laugh & say hello like a normal conversation, or frown & explain that they’re looking for grass seed (or the bathroom, usually). Its a lot of fun. Yesterday, Lisa was over here visiting & she took one of those dreaded “selfies” of us. In our defense, Johnny was entertaining the munchkins outside. Lisa: “You’ll hafta tag yourself, I can’t tag on my phone.” Me: “What? Surely…” Lisa: “No, look…how do I do it?” I tap on the picture to make it big &… Lisa…

Crockpot love

Thankful for my crockpot today & every day. Especially thankful for it since our oven officially gave up the ghost last week. But the crockpot is awesome, regardless. Gives me time on my day off to do other stuff than worry about dinner. And on days when I work, it’s working for me 🙂 yep, I am definitely thankful for my crockpot. And I am thankful I’ve got food to put in it. Today is chili, if anyone is hungry…

Manners and Lack Therof

At the risk of seeming shallow, I am thankful for manners today. Money can buy many things, & it can buy manners to a point. However, the truly well-bred & well-raised will stand out in a crowd. It makes a difference when you treat people with respect & make them feel at home in an unfamiliar setting. “Please” & “thank you” go a long way in retail, as well as the rest of the world. It helps to be sincere as well, but if not, fake it & you will still be taking the high road. It’s in the simplest things. It is holding a door for the person at the gas station. It is letting people cross in front of you when it’s raining & you’re cozy in your car. It is not interrupting someone when they’re speaking. It is so many things that here in the south we may take for granted & come as a culture shock when we visit…elsewhere… I hope that people are still ingraining these policies in their children but I don’t think its as commonplace as it used to be, or needs to be. I see a lot of kids that have a shortage of respect for their parents, nevermind strangers. I can only hope that with age comes wisdom & they correct themselves. Please be aware I’m not doing these in…

Thankful Day 5

Thankful for another day. Just now, scrolling through my newsfeed, I saw one of the “billboards” (as I like to call them) that said something to the effect of, “be thankful you are alive, someone, somewhere is fighting & drawing their last breath.” I also like the one that says “if we all took our problems & threw them in a pile to be doled out, we’d snatch our own back up.” So, I know that this day will be filled with drivers lost in space, customers lost in themselves, & probably a lunch that’s lost, period, but I know it’s quite a wondrous thing to just be alive, & I am grateful for it. Happy day, y’al…

Day 2

Alright. This one’s personal, y’all. Today I am thankful for my momma, my grandmother, and University of Tennessee football. If that sounds like a strange combination, you must have missed my status a couple of weeks ago. This is my Grandmother’s grave today. She’s been gone just over five years. I am constantly reminded of her. She LOVED football. I mean, she loved it like a man does (no offense ladies, but you know what I mean). Every time I watch a ballgame I think of her hollerin’ & being on the edge of the couch when it was 3rd down for the opposing team: “Hold ’em boys, hold ’em…” Yes, that’s a football on her headstone. Underneath, it says “Go Vols!” I’m not even kidding. I’m thankful mom takes care of her grave because Lord knows I can’t. I’d be crying & snotting so hard the funeral directors would have to drive me home. I’m thankful these women taught me how to understand the game, & how to be a good sport. And today is a great example of “I’m for Tennessee & whoever’s playin’ Florida.” True story. Go Dawgs. And GO VOLS…

Thirty Days of Thankfulness 

Oooh! Thirty Days of Thankfullness is here again 🙂 I know some of you don’t particularly care for it, but I much prefer opening my facebook to find my status feed full of blessings & pleasant thoughts. So here I go. Thankful today that I live in East Tennessee. It is truly beautiful this time of year. (Actually, I find it beautiful most of the year) It was a brilliant day, with sunshine so bright it hurt my eyes & made me squint. The leaves are absolutely gorgeous, & the temperature is just right. We have fresh, drinkable, clean water all around us. We are close enough to the most-visited national park in the states to visit it as often as we want. Although the tourists are a pain, they do make Sevier County one of the more fortunate & funded counties around. I’m thankful that people in this area are not ashamed to ask for prayer for themselves, their family, or a complete stranger if they need it. I’m thankful for chickens crowing, frogs croaking, & locusts buzzing in the late afternoons. I’m thankful for porch swings to drink sweet tea on, a hometown small enough that I still run into people I know at the grocery store, & high school football games & plays that everyone still attend. I don’t even mind getting behind tractors occasionally, because farmers mean food. (And I love food.) I’m proud…


I am a nerd. I have always been a nerd. I will probably remain a nerd for the rest of my life. I like to read- a lot (if you haven’t caught on). I enjoy cooking, & even more than that, I love eating. I tell the lamest jokes & then laugh at them uncontrollably. I am not a trendsetter for the latest fashions, I prefer the classic tried & true pieces. I have worn glasses since I was in fifth grade even though I heard the mantra “boys don’t make passes at girls who wear glasses” way too frequently. Even those who loved me would go so far to say, “Why don’t you try contacts? You would be so pretty!” Really. I was only popular by association (to Meg) in my school years –as several of you could attest to. I didn’t really fit in with people my own age until I went to Walters State due to my addiction to horseback riding. I never really cared about going to concerts, or out clubbing, or having a new car. I am not ashamed of any of these things. And I’m aware its no small miracle that I’m married to such a cool, good looking man. I didn’t marry the first guy to ask me out. Don’t settle, y’all. I would say “ladies” but the…

Barbeque Sauce Will Be the Death of Me

I still don’t have anything nice to say. But I will tell y’all about my lunchtime adventure today, because y’all seem to enjoy them. Its going to sound like complaining, but stick with me, its worth it.   Went to Buddy’s BBQ because I was craving bar-b-que something fierce. Of course I have to drive like a demon to get there & back in my allotted lunch break time. I pull up at the drive thru. Silence. I back up & pull forward. Nothing. “Hello?” *cricket, cricket* There were cars in the parking lot, so they were open. I’m expecting Ashton Kutcher to come out of the bushes, but time is of the essence, so I grumble & whip into a parking space & stomp in. Grouchy lady takes my order, I inform her of the faulty service of the drive through speaker. She tells me it’s plugged in & shrugs. Whatever, give me my food before I have a stroke. I won’t go into how she didn’t want to supply me with both ketchup AND extra barbeque sauce, nor a lid that fit my coke, but I got back into Patsy & sped back to the other side of the river, frantically trying to eat my sandwich. This is where things went tragically downhill. My little sauce cup was working out great. I’d dribble a little onto…