I’m downstairs folding laundry when I hear my phone ringing. I dash up here because it was the “not assigned to anyone in particular” ringtone. (Dixie, if you’re wondering). Unknown number.
“Yes, this is KFC.”
Me: “Okay…”
Chick: “In Lenoir City….”
Me: “Yes?” Thinking maybe I’ve won lunch for ten or something exciting. Maybe a cruise! Never mind I have never set foot in the KFC in Lenoir city. This is just how my mind works.
Chick: “We just got your message about the missing chicken in your bag…”
Me, disappointed: “Oh, you have the wrong number. I had Chick-fil-a today.”
She abruptly hung up. Now I’m wondering if she thinks she had the right number & I pranked her. But I really DID have chick-fil-a. The number 7.
By Angela Hardin, via text 4/20/24 9:53 am Imagine. A probably 68…
29 January 2015