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Browsing Tag: #blackfriday


These emails that say “get ready for best deal/sale of the century/ deepest discount” etc. make me wonder exactly how I need to prepare. I mean, I’m just reading. Nothing has ever came through the phone/ tablet/ computer/ pages for me. What’s fixing to happen? How do I get ready? Read under a table or desk? Hide in the closet? Bite my nails and take a Xanax? Maybe a gin and tonic? I’m just not sure…but I do like that last idea. It’s almost alarming. BLACK FRIDAY!!! They shout. Support Small Business Saturday! tout Facebook pages. Cyber Monday all day Sunday!! And don’t forget about Giving Tuesday, coming in at the end after you’ve effectively spent all your money, your end of year bonus, your grandfather’s war pension, your childrens’ college funds, and the tax refund you haven’t even applied for yet. Then all the sales are prolonged. It goes on forever. Well, I must go brace myself before opening my emails. Ta-ta for now.&nbsp…


 I would like to poll all the retail people working tonight. I wonder what percentage of them don’t mind being there as opposed to ones who would rather have the day off.  Plenty of people work holidays. Surgeons, nurses, policemen, paramedics, firemen, soldiers. Dispatchers. These people actually make a difference. They are the ones who are there for the “big deals” in life, not the “big deals” in possessions. So when they sign on the dotted line, they know that they are making a commitment to be there for someone else. Even though their family would like to have them safe & sound at home, someone else NEEDS them. So they go. They leave what’s important to them & go to work & maybe save a life.  I would also like to poll the shoppers tonight. I would ask if they have ever been forced to work on Thanksgiving.  I’m just curious. Because it seems like if you’ve ever had to work one– or someone close to you–, you wouldn’t wish it on anyone else. And you wouldn’t support it. But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe I don’t understand how important it is to get your child a game that’s selling for $50 bucks off tonight only. A game that your child will undoubtedly tire of by February. And maybe that child would…

Almost Over

I’m thankful I didn’t have to go into work last night to sell JUNK to the hordes of lunatics who camped out. I’m also thankful I had the sense to stay in & sleep & not make the news actin’ a fool shopping for more crap this morning.  ….ok, ok, I know that isn’t very nice but you see the news & there’s always some wide-eyed lady who just can’t believe how wild it was & how people were fighting & grabbing. Give me a break. If you got some awesome deals, good for you, hope it was worth it. I hope you’ve got your priorities straight. My personal belief is that if you ever worked retail on Black Friday you probably wouldn’t contribute to the madness. The sheer force of people in a hurry, their brutality if you weren’t fast enough, or Katie bar the doors if something rang up wrong. I also believe if you ever had to work on a major holiday & didn’t get to spend time with your family, you wouldn’t participate in the Thanksgiving Day sales. I may be wrong. But I worked for dispatch long enough to miss out on quite a few holidays & even if spending time with my family wasn’t my most favorite thing in the world, I still missed it acutely…