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Category: Say You Wanna Resolution

Resolve to Write 2024 #16

If this blog prompted me like Facebook does: “What’s on your mind?” You’d get an immediate, “snow and farmers”. You see, farmers have always gotten the short end of the stick and are constantly up against it. There are no holidays or vacation time or sick leave. Most of the farmers I know work a “real” job then come home and farm till after dark. And they’re up before daybreak, doing what they can. They have my respect, they have my admiration, and a few have my love. It’s amazing how often they’re passed over in prayer. We pray for our leaders, our military, our family and friends. When the weather is bad and our electric is out, there is always an outpouring of gratitude and blessings for our linemen, as there should be. An accident? You’ll see people thanking God for the quick response from emergency personnel and the doctors. A fire? Oh you bet firemen are put on a pedestal. And that’s fine, they all deserve accolades. (Dispatch is also frequently overlooked). It makes me a little crazy. Anyone who has ever put out a garden knows the hard labor involved, from preparing the soil, to keeping it weeded and watered, then spraying for bugs and praying the coons stay out of it. One cutworm can knock back a dozen pepper plants a night, and as much as I love turtles, they have a tendency to bite the ripest, juiciest tomatoes…

Resolve to Write 2024 #15

Well, it appears most of Sevier County got gypped on the blizzard, including Gatlinburg. I’m not complaining, though. Knoxville got our share and I’m happy for them. I’ve been warm and cozy inside with Chess, reading and eating. We’ve seen snowflakes like Forrest Gump saw raindrops: big, fat, heavy flakes, powdery specks, almost sleet-snow that came straight down, fast and true. Right now they’re moderately sized and coming down with purpose. It’s been an event. I don’t care what it does as long as the electric stays on. So this morning Angela posted this picture with the caption: “The most utilized light in the house.” And BAM, onslaught of memories and I knew exactly what I’d be writing about this evening. Yes, my grandmother often burned this light when the rest would be off. My great-grandmother, too. It was just enough if you were pillaging for a snack, it would get you enough light to see by without running the big light and alerting the entire household of your presence. Sometimes it was spotlighting a treat, or a pan of bread, or maybe just the kettle to put some moisture in the air. It stayed on through the night, helping you see the way. I guess they got electric before they got indoor plumbing and so maybe that was the guiding light to the outhouse, too. It symbolizes home and cozy and the home fires burning for me. It’s…

Resolve to Write 2024 #14

I just momentarily sniggered at myself because I thought I had been naming them 2023 and nobody had noticed, but I went back and looked and no, they’re correctly labeled 2024 and I’m the idiot. Per the usual. So, just sitting around, waiting on the snow. I dunno, seems like they only hit it half the time, so we’ll just have to wait and see. It’s coming from the west, so it’s a crapshoot. Out of the south and you better hold on to your hat, it’ll be a big ‘un. I’m down to two eggs and four slices of bread, but I’ve got lots of everything else, except tomatoes. Oh well. I’m sure it will be fine. I’m just praying the power stays on because I don’t have much wood. And if the pipes freeze I’m for sure up a creek without a paddle. But there’s no sense worrying about it now, because I ain’t going out to bust wood. I need to go buy a generator, once and for all. But it always seems that other things are more pressing. Generators are like tires. Necessary, but not fun. Finally finished my first book of the year. What should have taken one day stretched out for three whole weeks! As I wrote on my Goodreads review, it wasn’t terrible, it just wasn’t very good. At least not for me at this age. Had…

Resolve to Write 2024 #13

Some days there is nothing. It stretches out, bland, as I search my mind, shaking out books and folding blankets and fluffing pillows, like I could be searching for lost change. I am looking for the note I wrote to myself hours ago, when I thought, “when you sit down to write tonight, if you don’t have anything else, write about this.” But of course I didn’t write down my idea, that would be ludicrous! Surely I can remember something so simple! It is no use patting my pockets, it is not there. It is not in the pile of receipts on the desk, or stuffed into a compartment of my pocketbook. I did not even whisper it to my dog. The simplicity of my life must come as a surprise to some people, who couldn’t stay home if you pinned them to their couch like a rare butterfly specimen. Speaking of specimens, did y’all see where we will have two broods of locusts at the same time this year? Have the entomologists been looking forward to this for decades? Or did they just recently procure the data to predict it? I remember a major locust emergence as a child. I went to Uncle Dale’s and plucked them off his maple trees, entertained for hours on end. No, I wasn’t scared. Bugs don’t bother me. Snakes do. Typewriters intimidate me. House fires terrify me. But not bugs. So today is my good friend…

Resolve to Write 2024 #12

It is weathering outside. It has been weathering weirdly all day. I went to work, anticipating the weird weather, but was woefully unprepared for just how weird the weather would become. It started off frosty and cold, with a stunning sunrise in certain parts of the county. It wasn’t long before it had warmed to about 50, which has a tendency to make me suspicious of what’s coming. Nader weather. Sure enough, about 12:30, here it was. The house behind my office has been under a near-constant remodel since early spring of 2020, and stuff was flying off their house in every direction. Time for me to hit the road before it got any worse. Thankfully my board is understanding in such matters, so I packed up my laptop and away I flew. So I’ve been curled up in my late Uncle Dale’s chair all afternoon, pecking away at the minutes and sending an email or two. What with the long weekend, and not really fully back at full throttle after the holidays, nobody is expecting much. Anymore, it is constantly on my mind what I’m going to write about each day. This morning, as I started up the road, I spotted a horse on the hillside in a red turnout rug. I thought I might write about it…which would evolve into some story or another about one of my past experiences with horses. Then I stopped by Bojangles for breakfast, and…

Resolve to Write 2024 #11

This is turning into a JOB. I have had a 12 hour day, with two meetings and lots of running around. I just want to brush my teeth and go to bed. But I have made a commitment and I intend to stand by it. Just like the people at the gym tonight. I saw them, well, rather, I saw the parking lot, and I thought they must be giving away free cupcakes to draw that many people. Then I remembered it was still early January and that explained everything. So I continued to Zaxbys and then ate a vanilla zinger. Hey, somebody’s gotta keep the industry alive. Hung out at the Co-op today for awhile, trying to garner signatures for the petition for the election ballot. In many ways, Co-op is the same as it’s ever been, but in other ways, it’s totally different. There are new faces every time I go, but they’re still a friendly bunch and I feel certain I would fit in with most of them. The tire shop isn’t the bustling place it once was, but I believe the mechanics they have now are problem solvers. I had so many fun times there within those walls, and I’m faced with a memory every time I turn around: Willie allowing me to pull the breakers down at the end of the day if we met at the time clock, the time an entire gallon of Red Cell…

Resolve to Write 2024 #10

Chester is absolutely, positively, 110% wanting to go outside. There is a skunk outside. Chester will not be permitted outside tonight. My house is haunted, in case you didn’t know. My ceiling fan will sometimes turn by itself. I thought it was doing it only when the heat or air was blowing, but it’s not turning now, and the heat is blowing. Last night it wasn’t turning, but the chain pulls were moving. Tonight, all is still. I can watch, as I am ensconced in my library chair and have an unobstructed view. It’s weird. And no, I haven’t had windows open to change the air movement one way or another. The only other fan is in my bedroom. There is no explanation, apart from ghosts. So ghosts it is. People like it when I write about them. People like attention. I do, too. I’ve thought all day that I would write one sentence each about ten people and let y’all guess what was written about whom. And then in coming weeks I would elaborate as the mood hit me. #1. A strong redhead who rides a proud red horse, prefers Sauvignon Blanc (but not Kim Crawford), who can mingle with any crowd, anywhere, anytime. #2. A quilter, a baker, but not a candlestick maker, at least not so far as I know. #3. A halfback Yankee who has a penchant for Christmas lights, Halloween decorations, and is an advocate for firemen, dispatchers…

Resolve to Write 2024 #9

My best friend has been in Texas all week. I’m actually not jealous, because she’s been spending time with her sister-in-law and brother. Her sister-in-law has been given a Stage IV pancreatic cancer diagnosis and so Lisa felt the need to be by her side for a time. I think it’s been a good visit for both of them. They had some late night cookie eating bonding moments. She was flying home today and the Houston Hobby hub has been a cluster. First they landed from Midland, but had to sit on the plane waiting for a gate for over an hour. Lisa had been looking forward to her hour and a half layover to get something to eat. So that was shot. Luckily, her other flight got a late start boarding or she would have probably missed it. Then she had to sit on that plane at the gate for an eternity. And it wasn’t a weather delay, evidently they’re short ground crews. The Southwest flight tracker online was telling me they had departed, but then Lisa starts texting me and sends me pictures from the window and they’re still on the ground. So that would be frustrating if you were depending on accurate information from the airline. Also, their times had been skewed all day, and I don’t mean on account of time zones. Like, seven minutes into the future they’re listing that the plane had…

Resolve to Write 2024 #8

Today was certainly…brisk. I walked into work this morning, fully expecting to sink into the warmth of my cozy little office, but instead I could nearly see my breath, and at the same time my nose almost fell off. Luckily the landlord always answers his phone and has handymen on retainer, and they could get out there today. While I waited for it to get to be time for them (does that make sense?) I took myself to the hardware and purchased a heater. Then I took myself to the Cracker Barrel and made a complete hog out of myself on the “Grandma’s Sampler”. Grandma’s Gluttony, more like. And to think, I was disappointed there weren’t biscuits 🙄 Anyway, it’s so comforting to simply sit and sip coffee in a Cracker Barrel and watch people. There will be your retired senior citizens, traveling in pairs, as couples. There will be groups of ladies catching up. There are families, and young moms with babies, meeting their own mother for a few minutes of peace and being waited on instead of catering to another’s needs. There are road-weary travelers, and people on business, some still caught reading a newspaper at their table. And then there’s me: displaced from a frigid downtown office. Alone but content. Smiling at the life bustling around her. My waitress’ name was Jamie. She had a big lipsticked smile and four stars on her apron. I checked. I always check. She…

Resolve to Write 2024 #7

Happy Sunday! I have been quite productive today, if I do say so myself. And I do. I know you’re not supposed to toil on the day of rest, but I really wanted to get the tree knocked out and peace and order restored to my home. I didn’t get around to mopping (maybe by design, maybe I’m pooped) but accomplished pretty much everything else I sat out to do. I need to be putting forth more effort on reading, but maybe this week I can settle in and do some of that. Speaking of reading, it pains me to see someone apologizing for a lengthy post on Facebook. Guess what? You aren’t forcing people to read what you’ve written. It’s not literature class, they’re not obligated. Just like I’m not obligated to look at 80 pictures of your grandchild. I rarely see anybody apologizing for that, by the way 🙄 So stop apologizing! Say what you want to, with as many words (or pictures) as it takes! It’s your page. Another thing you don’t have to apologize for is not taking calls. And not answering text messages right away. Sometimes you just don’t have the energy for people. You know what a phone call is about: they’re wanting to gossip or ask for a favor. An innocuous text asking what you’re doing is leading. I hate that so much. You’re under no obligation to tell anybody…