I’ve got the January blues. In an effort to cheer up, instead of listing various woes & grievances, I have decided to compile a list of specific things that make me happy. I encourage y’all to do the same. Honestly, Facebook could use more happiness & less bitterness. 75 degree sunny spring days Sitting in the front row at church with Johnny Pinterest (big surprise there) Having girls night with Lisa The middle of an excellent book Touring historic homes & plantations Well mannered children Hiking Porters Creek Trail in the month of April Book of Romans NKJV Songs where I know every single word (this is very limited. Truth be told, Ice, Ice, Baby is about it) Movies that are SO funny I’m afraid to laugh in case I miss something Cupcakes. Thats all. Never had a bad one. Riding tall & well-trained horses in my old jumping saddle White Star’s vanilla soft serve ice cream Watching someone type very fast & accurately Alliteration Top Gun roller coaster Sweet seedless tangerines Sea otters I feel better so I’m quitting. Have a good day…
Last day of thankfulness. I could go on a good bit, but I will just be thankful for y’all today. I’m thankful that facebook has renewed a few friendships for me. I’m also thankful it’s a quick way to get in touch if I don’t have your phone number or email. I really enjoy seeing your life events & even just the little day-to-day things that make up your story. I appreciate those of you who have taken the time to read my thoughts, & I thank you for liking & commenting on my status’, pictures, whatever. That’s what it’s all about! That’s how we stay in touch. That’s what makes facebook FUN…
I’m running out of days to be thankful before running out of things to be thankful for! I’m thankful for material things today, though. My pickup Patsy, for one. She’s not much to look at these days, but I still love her. She serves her purpose & I’m not intimidated by people on the road, as I would be if I drove something smaller. I’m also thankful for my KitchenAid mixer. (thanks momma, great wedding present!) I don’t know how I survived without one all this time…
Today I am thankful for rain. One of my customers called it a necessary evil today, & I don’t entirely agree with that. Sometimes it can be a hindrance (like when I’ve spent an hour straightening my hair) but for the most part I really like it. It promotes growth. It brings life. It gives us something to drink. It helps put out fires. It gives me a break from crazy busy don’t-have-time-to-eat spring rush days. I am thankful for liquid sunshine…
Thankful for my pets today. Especially Crockett, who is officially as old as the hills. 16 in human years, 87 in dog years, according to this chart I found. Wowzers. He has brought me a lot of joy and a lot more laughs than I can count. He’s not been hearing so well for a few years & you can walk right up on him if he’s asleep. I always hold my breath & watch his sides to see if he’s still drawing air when I catch him sprawled out somewhere unusual. And who would have thought Wally, the little blue beta would be so much fun? He starts swimming frantically if he sees us pick up the little canister of fish food & centers his body under his dinner (bloodworms) & then attacks like a shark. Lastly the pits, Sugar & Lightning (Booger & Bug as I call them affectionately), are so goofy I can’t help but love them. And we have EIGHT of their offspring ready just in time for Christmas if anybody is interested 😉 Thankful for this menagerie…
Today I am thankful to be alive. “I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” ~Agatha Christie. (This stems from Johnny running the light at Food City & pulling straight across the highway like a tourist…
Today I am thankful to be alive. “I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.” ~Agatha Christie. (This stems from Johnny running the light at Food City & pulling straight across the highway like a tourist…
Thankful for a soft spot to lay my head. And thankful for the one on the pillow next to mine. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope none of you have to work & everyone gets enough to eat. Be safe in your travels. Love, Amy xo 11-21-12 9:43pm First & foremost, I’m thankful I’m not a vegetarian. Thankful I don’t have to go into work tonight or some crazy hours tomorrow with this full belly. Thankful I’m not desperate enough to go out in the ungrateful masses storming the stores to save another almighty dollar. I, unlike mainstream America, am completely content staying in watching movies & decorating trees. How ’bout you? 11-22-12 7:12pm This is the first time in twenty years that I will be off until Monday. A life of retail, with a few years at dispatch, guaranteed no consecutive days of rest. I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do with myself, but I’m reasonably certain it will involve several bottles of wine, books, & maybe a Christmas tree. I’m not leaving the house. Thank you emergency services for breaking up the fights of too much togetherness & the saving of lives after overindulgence all around. Happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone gets plenty to eat & time to relax. 11-24-16 11:11am Thankful for a day to get caught up on…
Thankful I am emotional. It means I care. That I have a heart. That I can be sympathetic (although I may choose to be apathetic). Thankful I’m picky, why settle for less than what I really deserve? Thankful I can be stubborn, sometimes my ideas are just better & you don’t realize it until I’ve talked myself blue telling you 😉 Thankful I don’t have to be perfect. Thankful for the One that was, & thankful I know Him…
Today I am thankful for two important men in my life: My stepdad Scott, who is really more of my Dad than my Dad ever was. He has shown me how men are supposed to treat their wives (I think mom would agree) & how to be gentle & loving towards animals. He has a very tender heart. He is an EXTREMELY patient man, & can walk me through minor plumbing/ electrical/ mechanical issues from miles away and is GPS and Mapquest all rolled into one. Most recently, he took a very special trip with me down a very looooong aisle that I know wasn’t easy between his bad knees & the zillion degree weather. <3 ya Scott! The other one is my Uncle Dale, some of you know him as “Tiny”. (He is anything but!) He is a lot of fun, and very knowledgeable about the great outdoors. He always took time when I was growing up to teach me about different kinds of trees, how to shoot a variety of guns, the value of hard work, right from wrong, & a little bit of politics along the way. He has taken me on countless fishing trips over the years, and one very memorable deer hunting trip. Some of my earliest memories are of him. I love him more than he will ever know…