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Blue MondayΒ 

Yesterday is evidently known as “Blue Monday” due to the majority of the workforce getting back to the grind after time off from the glittery, glamorous, holidays. Also the realization of how much was spent on said holidays. However, in true procrastinator fashion, today was my Blue Monday. I finally got the last-and largest- of our Christmas trees torn down and stored. It is so depressing. The house is so drab. Johnny, to the contrary, likes it. He’s not a fan of clutter, which technically, I will concur, Christmas creates. That’s the only time of year my library is in a state of disarray. And that makes me a little crazy. Anyway, in addition to my depression over the loss of decorations, I am still puny. I have not put one little toe out into the Polar Vortex today. My book is draaaaaging. And I did not cook. That should tell you something. Pass the kleenex. *putting my blanket over my head…

Chanel #5

I’ve always considered my Grandmother a frugal woman. She married, moved out, and built a modest house that she continued to live in the rest of her life. She was not one to give up on a garment simply because it went out of style, or because she’d put on a “little” weight in the thirty years since she purchased it. My Grandmother had three cars the entire time I shared air on this earth with her. She kept towels on the seats to protect the upholstery and plastic floor mats. She left the plastic on her lamps in the living room. Forever. She bought store brand everything but toilet paper and Pledge. (I guess some things are better not scrimped on). I always thought my Grandmother was a thrifty woman. Until tonight. ….there is a commercial starring Marilyn Monroe that played a lot around Christmas. It’s an advertisement for Chanel No. 5. I adore Marilyn Monroe. I always thought I was more a Jackie O. kinda girl until I read biographies about both women. I digress. Anyhoo, I’ve had it in my mind that I would love Chanel No. 5 since I love Marilyn. Johnny started to get me some for Christmas, but when he smelled it at the counter, he wasn’t so sure I would like it. As far as perfumes go, it’s a little pricey, but I’ve always had champagne…

A Simple Life

I have turned into an old woman this holiday season. We have acquired (meaning, I bought) a birdfeeder because we’ve been seeing some cute finches & bluebirds hanging around. I’ve spent most of the day peering out, hoping to catch a glimpse of a bird having a snack. Alas, none have stopped by. Maybe they aren’t sure about the pineapple.  Also, I have been appalled at the waste that Christmas brings. People (including myself) just bought to be buying. You feel like you have to spend x amount on a person to show your love. What a bunch of crap. That’s why America is in the misery it is now! Stepping off my soapbox. Sorry, I got carried away. For lunch I enjoyed some leftovers accompanied by one of those marvelous chicken pot pies created by the magical people at Banquet frozen foods. They are delicious and filling & only fifty cents!! And finally, my activity today has been rearranging the library to make room for my beautiful cast iron mermaid. I’ll post a picture of her later. So see? I’ve grown old before my time! I should be out in the masses, spending my gift cards! …hahaha, sometimes I crack myself up…

The Perils of Real Trees at Christmas

​I am impressed by you people who decorate real trees. They are a horse of a different color. You put an ornament on a real tree branch, it sags. You put one on an el-fako & nothing much happens. And its like the real trees eat the bead garland. I don’t even know what happens to it (or the ribbon- now you see me, now you don’t!) Anyway, Johnny wants a real one next year. We’ll see. He wanted a real one this year too, but neglected to tell me till after all the fake ones had been lugged upstairs, fluffed, & lit. Dang. Anyway, hope everyone is snug as bugs in rugs on this chilly night. Me, I’m wrapped in a lambswool blankie & watching Home Alone for the second time in two days πŸ™‚ I have presents to wrap & dishes to wash but ah, it can wait till after Kevin plants the tarantula on Merv’s face…

My Pregnancy Facts

I was given #4 in this preggers game. 1) I’ve never been pregnant.  2) I’d like to stay that way. 3) Yes, I know what causes it. 4) I am very very VERY defensive about my body & the decisions I make especially concerning my uterus. It is NOBODY’S business besides mine & Johnny’s about having a child. It is EXTREMELY rude to ask why we don’t have any kids. Its none of anyone’s business. It could be that we don’t feel the need to bring another kid into this corrupt world. It could be that I’m unable to reproduce. It could be that I don’t like kids. It could be that we don’t see ourselves as financially stable enough to provide a lifestyle for family the way we think you should be able to. But rest assured, no amount of your pleading, persuasive arguements, & stories of how wonderful raising children is will play any sort of factor into our decision. Its truly amazing the amount of people that I barely know that are brazen enough to ask me when I plan on having babies. I blink at them until they get the point. Just because I’m a southern woman doesn’t mean this is the only lifestyle suited to me. And I applaud every one of you raising children. That’s terrific, I…

The Last One

The last day of thankfulness. I’d say several of you are thankful its over, although I tend to stay long winded throughout the year, not just November πŸ™‚  I reckon I better be thankful for the Good Lord today. Most people who participate in this are thankful for Him on the very first day, & that’s good, but I wasn’t. I don’t remember why, or even what I was thankful for that day, but I am thankful for Him every day. He is the reason I can be thankful for everything else. But for the non-believers out there, shoving religion down their throats every day is not the way to get them saved. I don’t think so, anyway, and I’m speaking from experience. Just like anything else, you have to want it. I want to help you want it. I am thankful for Jesus dying for this sinner right here. I should show it more.  Also thankful for my Facebook friends who read my posts & enjoy them. I pride myself on knowing every single one of you. And if you’ve made it this far, I must really like you a lot because I’ve weeded out pretty much all the people who feel the need to argue with me on every post whether it be about pimento cheese or padded walking horses (yes, seriously. Same person) & the virtual stalkers. I am…

Almost Over

I’m thankful I didn’t have to go into work last night to sell JUNK to the hordes of lunatics who camped out. I’m also thankful I had the sense to stay in & sleep & not make the news actin’ a fool shopping for more crap this morning.  ….ok, ok, I know that isn’t very nice but you see the news & there’s always some wide-eyed lady who just can’t believe how wild it was & how people were fighting & grabbing. Give me a break. If you got some awesome deals, good for you, hope it was worth it. I hope you’ve got your priorities straight. My personal belief is that if you ever worked retail on Black Friday you probably wouldn’t contribute to the madness. The sheer force of people in a hurry, their brutality if you weren’t fast enough, or Katie bar the doors if something rang up wrong. I also believe if you ever had to work on a major holiday & didn’t get to spend time with your family, you wouldn’t participate in the Thanksgiving Day sales. I may be wrong. But I worked for dispatch long enough to miss out on quite a few holidays & even if spending time with my family wasn’t my most favorite thing in the world, I still missed it acutely…

Sister From Another Mister

Today is a very, very special day. I have been waiting on it all month. Not only because its Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday), but it is also my Bestest Friend in the Whole Wide World’s BIRTHDAY. It is no coincidence, she is the biggest turkey I know πŸ˜‰ I wanted to wait till today to be thankful for her & it was difficult because I’m grateful for Lisa every single day. She has been the one I call for advice, a laugh, or just when I need someone to agree with me when no one else does for many, many years. We grew up together, which meant getting in trouble together, spent late nights together telling secrets (those actually increased the older we got), & laughed so hard together I was actually sore the next day. I always shake my head when people say they married their best friend. I didn’t. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love Shug & we are super tight, but Lisa is the one I have The Pact with. You know, the person I call to help me drag a body across the floor at two in the morning. This is a good person to have. I’m so thankful to have Lisa. I hope all of you have a best friend. I hope they are as awesome as mine…

Wedded Bliss

I’m gonna be somewhat superficial in my thankfulness today.  I am thankful for my wedding. July 21st was a wonderful day. It was pretty much perfect. This was due to a lot of people working their hind ends off. Every woman should get the flawless wedding of her dreams. I was fortunate enough to have it all: from the horse drawn carriage & elaborate dress, to the sweetest cake & beautiful venue. Not to forget the best maid of honor in the history of the world~anybody that can keep me calm for seven months solid deserves a trophy. And the groom was sooo handsome and accomodating πŸ˜‰ AND it didn’t rain. That was monumental. I spent a lot of knee time in the weeks prior praying for that specific thing. It paid off, it rained all around us but not at the Ramsey House. So I’m just thankful for everyone who took part in my special day & helped make it the most awesome day ever. It laid the foundation to a great marriage. I am blessed…

Stepping Up

Thankful for our military & emergency services, including the doctors & nurses in our land. There’s plenty of talk about retailers being open on Thanksgiving & the mess that’s known far & wide as Black Friday…but think about all the people that have absolutely no choice but to work, whether it be trooping across the desert hauling a weapon, hunting evil, or patroling for drunk drivers in their police car (or perhaps just rousting them from their family’s living room), or the EMS & fire that respond to someone who had just too much everything & stroke out over the pumpkin pie. And not to forget the dispatchers that send them, your front line of help. Thank you to the civil servants of America. What would we do without you? You don’t think about these people until you need them, then they are worth more than all the riches of England. I’m thankful there are people who love to heal & protect others. I can barely put a bandaid on Shug…