Resolve to Write 2024 #344

Monday, Monday…. It’s getting to be that time of year where everything speeds up. My to-do and to-buy lists are already uncomfortably extensive. It’s not like Christmas sneaks up on me. I’m in Hobby Lobby pretty regularly and they start preparing in June. So why am I always running around in a mild state of panic this time every year? I’ve got cards bought, but not stamps. I’ve got a list of who to buy for, but not many ideas. I know what all I want to eat, but not much desire to fix it 🙃

I went by Food City on my way in and didn’t have any trouble being refunded the $6.76 where I was overcharged. She said they had experienced a few issues. I was relieved I wasn’t expected to tote the whole roast back in.

I have never in my life met anyone as outwardly disgusting as Jake, nor as lazy. I was very clear with him for days ahead of time that I would be leaving Friday at 1:30 and he seemed to be on board, even reaffirming that a field visit that morning wouldn’t adversely affect my schedule.
So imagine my surprise when I came in this morning and there were THREE missed calls, the first one coming in at 2:18. So, he clearly left right after I did. I could STRANGLE him!!

It was just a taxing day. I did go get a refill on my meds. I declared the sugar pills a loss and threw the remaining powder away, finally 😂 I probably need to check on some nerve medication, what with the holiday and all. I shouldn’t be expected to do all this pre-menopausal with no chemical help 🫠🫠

I got home and decided a glass of wine was in order. I’d drank half a bottle the other night, and stoppered it back up but I was afraid it would go bad. That’s a legitimate sounding excuse, right?
The first glass did such a thorough job of relaxing me, I had another. And next thing I knew, my world was all warm and fuzzy and sort of tilted 🤣🙃 I called Kay, who understands better than anybody.
“I didn’t mean to get drunk! I only had two glasses!” I wailed.
“Ooooh, that’s happened to me before, too.”
See? I told you she was so understanding.
It didn’t take long for me to get a grip and we had a good long chat sorting all the troubles that aren’t exclusive to the season, and a few that were. She was up and down the stepladder putting adornments on her tree. I was impressed with all the progress she’s made in preparation for her nieces to come visit over the holiday. Kay is a kindred spirit when it comes to getting your act together for the shiny holiday. But she had her wreath up, her lights in the windows (the ones she could find, anyway), the mantel bedecked, the table centerpiece created, the stair handrail draped… I’m telling you, she’s on it this year. I’m so proud! She took several pictures to commemorate the event 😂

I could use a writing prompt today, but the one from WordPress is “your favorite cartoon”. Apart from The Little Mermaid, I’m not sure what other cartoons I ever watch. I used to love Garfield…I haven’t even seen Frozen, so I don’t think I’m qualified to answer this question. Or any other one relating to TV or celebrities. I’m not sure I could pick most stars out of a lineup. Obviously, I know George Strait and Dolly (and Sturgill 😍😍😍) but I’m at a loss for anybody under 40. Anyway, I’m off topic.
I think I better just get ready for tomorrow. Christmas party #2!