Resolve to Write 2024 #331

I finished Spare! I finished Spare!!!

It’s a sad little life I lead when that’s my biggest news.

I didn’t sleep for squat last night and I was up past one trying to write the review on Goodreads. I typically include any passages that speak to me, or any favorite lines in my reviews. Imagine my surprise that my character count was almost DOUBLE what I was allowed. So I spent half the night and most of today whittling it down. That was hard!!! I left all the sad rhinoceros stories. Those are important. Emily read it just after I posted it and gave me her stamp of approval. She said she was so glad I read it so she wouldn’t have to; she feels that I hit all the pertinent points.
It looks like I should share it here because I really can’t think of anything else to write about….

I’m gonna read The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post next. It looks intriguing. The cereal heiress. I don’t know that I’ve ever had Grape Nuts. I need to try them. I like crunchy stuff, and I like grapes….

Tuesdays are typically the best for getting around town. Traffic is minimal, tourists have either gone from the weekend, came in on Monday to spend the week, or haven’t arrived yet.
Today it was atrocious. I don’t know WHAT happened. I felt like I was never gonna get through town to get home.

I really need to be more cautious about letting Chester out after dark. I’ve been smelling and seeing more skunks than usual. ‘Tis the season, I reckon. And he wants to play with EVERYTHING. I guess I’d have to banish him to the basement if he got sprayed. I’ve heard no matter what concoction of tomato juice and magic bottled potion you use it takes a while to wear off.

Robin’s son had a horrific motorcycle wreck and is at UT, please pray. She says she feels very fortunate to still have him. He broke his hip, pelvis, arm, and will have to have reconstructive surgery on his face, as well as the other broken parts. He is in a lot of pain. Life is fragile. Luckily, Noah is young. I feel confident he’ll pull through this. I am sure she’s scared to death, though. I read somewhere years ago that to be a mother is to have your heart walking around permanently outside of your body. Mine causes me enough turmoil firmly inside my ribcage, so I’m very grateful I didn’t reproduce.