Resolve to Write 2024 #319

It’s not that I have nothing to write about (which I don’t) but it’s that I really just don’t want to. Like, no part of me has any desire to write a word. So I won’t. For now. I wanna go crawl in a hole and eat ice cream and not talk to anybody.

Finally working on this a week and a half later:

Today was a taxing, aggravating day at work. Thankfully these are few and far between, but when they do come around, it’s almost like the aggravation is amplified because it’s so out of character.
Addison wanted me to gather up all the folders needing signatures. We’ve got a QAR in January and he’s crossing his t’s and dotting his i’s. {I felt like those should be capitalized to look right, but when I did, it wasn’t illustrated as clearly, so that’s why they’re in lowercase, although I’m unhappy with the appearance and I don’t know which is correct and I’m not going to bother googling because this is my blog and I can do as I wish).
Anyway, I stopped pulling folders when I got to 20, thoroughly disgusted and baffled.
The rain wasn’t helping a thing, either. Although I should be grateful my job is inside with my own personal heater (thank you, Charlie!) and not out directing school traffic like that poor officer this morning.

Another thing that had me aggravated was JA.
Last weekend, he asked me to pick him up from the airport Sunday. I told him I could, assuming it was a day or afternoon flight. When I asked him last night what time it was, so I could plan accordingly for leaving from Bowling Green to pick him up on my way in, he was evasive. When he called this morning and was beating around the bush, and I attempted to pin him down, he allowed that he thought it was coming in at ten. Ten in the morning was too early for me to make work, since BG is 3.5 hours away, plus an hour behind us. He’s like, “No, ten at night” and I about lost it. I was like “JA!!!! You didn’t tell me that!!! It’d be midnight before I got home!” Because the airport is about 45 minutes away from my house, and he lives in New Market, which is 45 minutes the other direction from my house, and closer to an hour from the airport. Holy crap. So I got out of that by agreeing to go see Kevin. I love JA but he is constantly depending on me for stuff and I can’t even get him to the house unless he wants Thanksgiving or me to go do something with him in Knoxville. He told me three months ago he’d come haul off this big screen TV for me and fix my fridge door and of course he’s not breathed a word about that. He offered to do some grade work to fix my foundation issues a year and a half ago, and I’ve asked him twice more about that. But nooooo I always have to run to him. And I do, so that enforces his bad behavior. But I’ve cut way back on my running and doing this year. I understood he was in a bad place last year and truly did need me, now he’s just being selfish and wanting coddled and I ain’t doing it. Emily’s thought was: “You’d think he’d realize that anyone whose phone has a 10pm bedtime wouldn’t be available for a 10pm airport pick up.” I appreciate that I’m his preferred chauffeur, but dang, have a little consideration.

Emily asked if I realized Tennessee was playing Georgia this weekend. She is so thoughtful and remembered that Georgia is Kevin’s preferred team. “You know TN plays GA this Saturday so y’all will be mortal enemies for a good 4 hours.” Haahahaa. She also knows how we bicker, fuss, and pick, so no news there.

It’s nice when someone recognizes a void. And even though it’s technically none of their business, a good friend will say so but still ask if everything is ok. There are ways to do that without it coming across as nosy…even if it is. I am just glad people take notice. I remember when I was going through my divorce, I was truly shocked that my lack of social media engagement went unnoticed. And that I wasn’t sharing photos of me and my husband. You’d think when your world gets rocked that catastrophically, people’s antennae would pick up on it. Oh well. We’ve all got our problems. And nobody wants brought into the middle of it. I get it.

JA is officially on the road to Arizona. Traffic was horrendous in Knoxville, surprise, surprise. I can’t imagine riding all that way with an eighteen year old, two horses, and two dogs. Gonna be a LONG three days.

Anyway. I was glad to see the end of this day. And I was super glad I had a big, happy dog to squeeze till my heart’s content.