I don’t know what I can say
If you tell me I have sad eyes
It’s because I am sad
If you say I look tired
It’s because I am
If you comment I’m short tempered
I would cock my eyebrow
Because that’s not news
So this afternoon
I have lain my t-shirt quilt
Underneath my stunted redbud
I have sat upon it
And tried to find some tranquility
It’s not working
But I don’t have anything else
I really want to do
I am thankful
My allergy pills seem to be working
And there has not been an invasion
Of Boxelder bugs
For a few years now
I admire my Columbine
Pink and yellow
It’s the little things, you see
Do I deserve to write of a battered heart
Or restless nights
What are appropriate topics
You reckon
If I could write of trite happiness
Would my intentions shine through?
So yes
Lush clover
Inches from my face
But still no four leaf-ers
I wonder if you found
What you were looking for
“You normally have to be bashed about a bit by life to see the point of daffodils, sunsets and uneventful nice days.”
Alain de Botton
Love from Appalachia,
Sometimes I believe I was placed here to make others feel better about their own…
18 April 2024It has been a very long day. I tried to pace myself, and start strong…
18 April 2024