Resolve to Write 2024 #84

To catch you up: The dog next door is still wild and free. He’s been relatively quiet today until the sun set. Now it’s nonstop again. I did try to catch him, or at least put him back in his fence, a couple of times today and he wasn’t having it. He’s one of those that will bark while he runs away from you, looking over his shoulder. 🙄 I’m not scared of him, but I don’t want to frighten him worse. I have not contacted the owners because I don’t want to cause undue worry. And I have tried what little I know to do. At least he’s staying out of the road.

Yesterday I switched my closet from fall/ winter to spring/ summer. I told myself I would get rid of lots of things. I never knew I was such a liar. I threw two things away, have one put aside for Angela, and six more items destined for thrift. I am unable to part with any more Lularoe, even though it makes me mad to look at it, since each pair of leggings represents, bare minimum, $25. I also cannot bear the thought of throwing out two pairs of grey stretchy pants, even though they both have multiple holes. One pair I am wearing right now. It’s not like I wear them out in public. Why throw them away when they’re clothes for home? I might decide to paint one day and I’ll need clothes that are on their last legs. Of these, I have a selection. Including the shirt I’m currently donning. It’s not even that old, but it evidently hung in the souvenir shop for ages before I brought it home, because the letters spelling out St. George Island peeled off almost immediately. And there are holes in the cuffs, which is mighty handy for pretending I’m wearing one of those shirts like I like to wear in winter.

I’m a mess, to put it simply.

Isn’t that ironic? But I love the shirt, even if it is holey and grease stained and peeling. It’s also roomy and soft and pink.

Today I discovered that I’m out of baked beans, and macaroni and cheese really does eventually go bad (expiration date of 2017. The cheese sauce powder was almost red. But it was still powdery. I expected clumps). I am also admitting I have an overindulgence problem when it comes to fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. This is known as founder in horses. If I were a horse, I would most absolutely be classified as foundered right now. I don’t know why I can’t stop. I know it’s gonna make me wanna hork. So now y’all know two more of my weaknesses. Although, let’s not forget my ruthlessness with the shoes a few weeks ago and my decrepit alarm clock.

There is as much in these daily accounts as there isn’t. I suppose plenty of people who read them studiously assume they know the intricacies of my life. And they would know a lot. But there’s plenty I don’t say. Just in case you’re feeling like an expert on my life. Sometimes the most important stuff is what isn’t being said. I have two friends that have all but dropped off from posting on Facebook in recent months. I know of the trouble one of them is dealing with, and the other one I speculate on. But have I reached out? No. It never feels like the right time and we aren’t that close. But I still feel guilty. Because I just know. But I don’t want to be right.

Haven’t made much progress with 1984. I’m working on the Wilde sequel. Plus 1984 is in one of those tiny paperbacks and I need super good light for that. It’s been too cold to read outside this weekend, much to my dismay. I liked eating breakfast out at the table last weekend. Oh well. There will be ample time in the coming months for al fresco dining.

It’s almost Easter! I wish I had participated in Lent. I should have cut spending. That would have certainly behooved me with the quilt fiasco. Now, riddle me this: why am I so eager to replace a quilt that doesn’t need replacing, but I can’t throw away clothes that clearly need to be discarded?

It’s also FFA Convention in Gatlinburg. Lord, hep us. Spring breakers, FFA-ers, probably the Pentecostals next. I’m ready for a vacation myself. Somewhere good, like a deserted island.

Well, tomorrow is Monday. Good things in store this week. I have a Foundation meeting and a baby shower to attend Tuesday so I will be poised and elegant at least one day of the week. Good Friday will be a Great Friday since I won’t be on my feet selling fertilizer and taters for ten hours straight. I might work on my flower beds. They are in dire need of attention. I should be ashamed. But I ain’t.

Go check out the moon, if you haven’t already. It was cloudy when I peeped out earlier but maybe it’s cleared up now. Full tonight. Ah-woooooooooo

Love from Appalachia,
