Don’t go lookin’ for the poem, it ain’t here. I’ve barely even thought about it today.
I hit the ground running this morning at work. Loads of emails, phone messages, tidying my desk from the disarray the boys left for me. They pulled the ol’ Amy and Lisa shenanigans, placing items backwards and upside down. Cute. But they also left me a 4-leaf clover, so I know they missed me ❤️ It’s so nice to have likable coworkers again. It’d also be nice to have a dog that doesn’t shed, but you can’t have it all.
Y’all will be pleased to know that I went out in public tonight with the size sticker still stuck to the length of leg. On the back, of course. And I thought my jacket/ kimono/ whatever it is was long enough to cover it, but when I checked the mirror to see how big of a doofus I was, it was determined I was a complete doofus. At least it was a slow night at the Aubrey’s so maybe not very many people noticed. And here I’d been quietly giggling about these three older ladies who had gotten pretty tipsy and were discussing waxing…procedures. Don’t throw rocks, I do most of my stupid shit stone cold sober.
I didn’t hug any complete strangers at Convention this week, so at least there’s that. I did talk to one lady like she was a part of our group, but she wasn’t. Oh well. It could have been worse. We were in the elevator with a woman that was one of us, and a guy who was not. He was on his phone via an earbud device.
“Did you have a nice lunch?” He asked the person he was speaking to. Evidently they didn’t hear him and he repeated it.
“Oh yes,” the lady standing next to me said. “We had chicken, and broccoli…”
He continued his conversation and she looks at him, a bit puzzled why he interrupted her if he was so intent on knowing, then works it out and starts laughing. I giggled with her, and told her not to worry, I do stuff like that all the time. He was kinda grinning, too. Those corporate types make me a little edgy. They’re so on GO all the time. I just don’t identify and probably never will. I do like to see people who are very driven just take a break and relax like everybody else now and then. Something as simple as just stretching out on the couch. Just being still and not thinking about what needs doing next. Going inert is highly undervalued, most of all from the people who need it most.
I’m fixing to go comatose, myself. I didn’t get in bed till after midnight last night. Something has not set well with my stomach this evening (hard to say, I’ve had several things, but I’m keen to blame the catfish). I’m just ready to put this day under the file “completed” in my brain. I’m super glad tomorrow is Friday, and I’m even more glad the only chewing I will hear is my own.
I wish I had some important message for y’all, but it was just a solid working day for me. They can’t all be 5 star. Just to get up and go and not get run over doing it is worth something. I witnessed one today that can’t say that.
Also, did you know such an item existed? we are such a nation of excess. …..but I kinda want them. It’s stupid.
Love from Appalachia and a promise to do better tomorrow,
Sometimes I believe I was placed here to make others feel better about their own…
07 March 2024It has been a very long day. I tried to pace myself, and start strong…
07 March 2024