Something different for today. I present to you the ever popular, much anticipated…
Chester’s Chronicle. Year Three, Three Months, and Seven Days
Hello, my friends. I know it’s been awhile but you know the redhead has been up to her antics and I, I have been up to my own.
Except I haven’t. I have been a very good boy. How do I know? It’s like you think I’m fibbing! I’m positively aghast you would think I would stray from anything other than complete honesty! Dogs don’t have it in them to lie! The expression “lie like a dog” means because we’re all the time lounging around unless there are intruders faces to eat off.
Back to the conversation at hand: I know I’m a very good boy because Princess Glitterpants tells me so. And I believe her. After all, there’s no one around brave enough to contest her.
I’ve been enjoying some days outside. It’s a little chilly of the mornings, but I have my very shiny (and thick!) fur coat. PGP says with all the hair she sucks up I should look mangy, but I don’t. I’m quite dapper, if I do say so myself. And I do. But anyway, the mornings aren’t cold long, so I won’t get frost toes. I spend much of the time patrolling, and once I have secured the perimeter, I nap in the sun. It feels oh so nice. The chickens come visit, but they keep their distance from me. Don’t tell, but the only time I give chase is when PGP gets home. That can be our little secret. I do like dozing on the couch, but this way I can keep a better eye on things. And I can get my couch time in of the evening. It’s the best of both worlds. I don’t have a doggie door to come and go at will because if I can fit through it, so can an average sized man. I am not a teacup variety bulldog. I am full figured and leggy. And toothy, before you go getting any ideas. And finicky about treats, as of late. PGP says she doesn’t allow high maintenance people in her life, so I better be getting my act together. I don’t think she’d wanna eat a sweet tater without chicken, either, so I don’t know what the big deal is.
She was late getting home tonight. The sun had already went to bed and I could feel the frost toes taking hold. But then there she was! The rocket appeared like a beacon, and I raced into the brush after some made-up intruder. I think I make a pretty good actor. PGP just snorted. She must need to sneeze. She does that sometimes. Anyway, she tells me the cause for delay was library board, and a few of you were commending her on her stick-to-it-iveness about writing every day, I see her here, struggling and bellyaching. But normally once she starts she knocks it right out, so don’t let her lie to you. She’s weary of journaling about her days, so it appears I’m now the muse. And I’m okay with that. As long as I don’t have to tell about anything embarrassing, like when I fell off the ottoman the other day.
Well, I am the child of the biggest klutz in three counties, so I suppose it’s expected.
I hope y’all are having as great a year as me! I hear my old stomping grounds are getting some attention. I sure hope they can raise a bunch of money. They help so many animals with so little. Imagine what they could do with a bunch more! My little cell was hardly big enough for me to turn around in, but at least it was out of the weather. And I got two square meals a day and all the clean water I could drink. It was a sort of prison, after my months of roaming, but what good is freedom if you’re so hungry you can’t enjoy it? Thank God & PGP and all the people who got me to where I am today. I may be rotten, but my belly doesn’t hurt and my legs aren’t tired and I ain’t got no itchy bugs and my velvet ears aren’t cold. (She made that part up. I would never call attention to my ears. I’m very self conscious about them).
All this to say things are very well here, and if you don’t have a dog in your life I strongly encourage you to get one. Not all have as big a personality (or mouth) as big as me, so be particular when hunting your friend. Please search shelters! They have all kinds of companions. Even turtles, sometimes! But dogs are obviously more fun. Lots of shelters offer transport services, but I think it’d be best to meet your new friend in person first. You know, sometimes there are personality conflicts. PGP interviewed several doggos before she landed on me. I think we’re a match made in Heaven, if I do say so myself. And I do. ❤️
Love from Free Range Chester 🐾🦴
Sometimes I believe I was placed here to make others feel better about their own…
06 February 2024It has been a very long day. I tried to pace myself, and start strong…
06 February 2024