A year ago, when I took my new job, I began working in conjunction with a girl who’s about my age. I suppose “girl” would be a stretch, as we’re much closer to 40 than 16.
Much, much closer.
We also have the same last name, and almost the same first name. It could be very confusing to people who have never met us. While we maybe even favor each other a little bit, she and I could not be further apart when it comes to personalities. While she plays close to the vest (I still don’t feel like I know her that well, despite all the talking we do), and follows the rules to the letter, y’all know me–if it goes through my head it generally comes out of my mouth. Or at least onto this screen. And rules? Who needs them? I’ll read them after the fact if I need to. One thing we do have in common is being particular. Although she hems and haws about speaking up about the way she prefers things are done, I say “do it like this, or just let me do it”. She’s an excellent, patient teacher. I would really be up a creek without a paddle if she weren’t around to explain things and show me how to navigate. She has a decent sense of humor, which is uncommon in Federal employees. I appreciate her every day. And she tolerates me 🙂
She doesn’t trust Facebook AT ALL, so it floored me when she said I was welcome to use her name. She said nobody knows her, anyway. A few of you do! Of course I’m praying for Amber today.
I never know how to start a prayer. O Heavenly Father doesn’t sound much like me, and Lord is getting a wee bit tiresome. Are You there, God, it’s me, Amy, has been done and I can’t just say hey.
Hi. I guess I can say anything I want to, as long as I’m sincere. And I’m generally pretty earnest when petitioning for my loved ones. I’m here to pray for Amber’s requests tonight, but first I want to thank you for hearing our pleas. I know people are praying for me and I fervently hope that more people are looking to you. Maybe their thoughts are being more directed to you. Maybe I have helped somebody through these posts get their life saved. I wish I could know. I do know that there have been several answered prayers in the last little bit and of course that is always welcome news. I also want to thank you for this day. Spring might be my favorite time now that I’m not up to my neck in fertilizer and baby chicks at the Co-op. And my allergies are becoming manageable. Thanks for that, and thanks for the minds of the developers of generic Zyrtec. Amber’s foremost prayer request is that of her mother, who is struggling as the primary caregiver to her aunt. The aunt has really degraded since she lost her sister a month some-odd ago. It is tough to satisfy the needs of someone who is pretty much bedridden, with their mind slipping to boot. It is impossible to rest. I pray for them both, for the strength and patience her mother must drum up every day after working at her career to come home and care for her aunt. I pray for the aunt, may her soul be at rest after the loss of her little sister. May she not fret and just concentrate on keeping her wits about her. I know she’s ready to come home, Lord. I don’t know that everyone down here is ready for her to go just yet, though. It’s hard to know what to pray in a situation like that, so I just ask that you look at their hearts and give them what they need. I also want to pray for a friend of Larry’s (Larry being Amber’s boyfriend). He found his daddy in comatose form the other day and I know that would be terrifying, especially as the doctors had not settled on a diagnosis last I heard. I pray for you to restore him, and give Jake comfort, and lead him to the right decisions when it comes to healthcare for his father. May he not feel overwhelmed, but properly informed. Amber also asked for prayers for a sweet precious lady we work with. She is having some deeply rooted issues with her mother and sister. It’s hard to see them treat her poorly and shut her out. I don’t know them, but I can’t help but feel they are in the wrong. Could you open their hearts, Lord? And if they are firmly in Satan’s grip, please provide my sweet friend with some comfort. She prays night and day for peace to be restored, and I want you to start with her soul. She is a loving, wonderful somebody and I hate to see her hurting.
We have a producer that is very tightly woven into the farming community who recently got a cancer diagnosis. Our prayers are certainly with him and his family as they work out a plan and treatment. Give them strength. Give them grace. Make them humble enough to ask for help from neighboring farmers as he will most certainly need it to get through the coming seasons. Which reminds me, I should probably call and see what I can do. I can always do SOMETHING. And lastly, another farmer who has been on our minds and hearts for years. He lives high on the hill and his wife has had a steadily degrading case of dementia for some time now. Recently, his son was in a terrible vehicle crash and had a low chance of survival. I hear he’s home and doing much better now, but I’m sure he has a long road ahead of him, as well as an expensive one. My prayers are most definitely with this family. They just need a break. I doubt you approve of the lottery, but it would be hard to find someone who deserved a vacation more than them.
Amber didn’t ask for prayers for herself, but I’m asking for them because she’s one of the sickest people I know. Her stomach gives her the occasional fit, but I’m more concerned with her back. I would like to see
I thank you for my job, Lord, otherwise I would not know Amber and what a caring soul she has to remember all these people. She wasn’t the least bit hesitant to ask for prayers for this list of friends and family. She cares about farmers and agriculture and truly believes in conservation. She is knowledgeable, well spoken, and a trustworthy steward of government funds. She has a strong desire to do the right thing for our producers while protecting and improving water quality. I ask you to protect her and guide her and use her as
Amber likes to torture me with endless, trivial paperwork. I like to torture her, period. So I knew I would be paying for it today with my sacrifice. I knew she would pick some vice I truly love.
And boy, did she.
For about a year now, almost all my spare time has been devoted to this
That’s right.
She took away my farm.
I’ve not missed it as badly as I thought, some of the players in my neighborhood have been getting under my skin lately, but it has crossed my mind on several occasions all the cheese and butter and pies I’m missing out on making. I get it, it’s fake, I have nothing to show for it, per se, but tell me….could you deny developing a farm with animals that dress for the occasion? For pigs that wallow when they need their bacon squeezed out? (Which I find completely fascinating, btw). I have a fishing area where I catch prize trophy fish, lobsters, and ducks in life preservers. I have a town with a spa, theater, gift shop, grocery store, cemetery, and B&B. And a BEACH. I have a zoo with a giraffe (Delilah), elephant (Samson), and hippo (I forget her name, but it’s equally cute). It’s my escape. It’s a blast. I recently acquired a taco machine (to the tune of $700,000) and I’m currently sitting on over a million. I mine diamonds and sell ice cream and other wares in a roadside stand. Doesn’t it sound like FUN??? Yes. Download Hay Day and build your own farm. Look for me- my farm name is The Siren’s Song. I’ll be back to farming tomorrow! No farm is complete without pollinators! I have many more bees now.
Pigs ready to be squeezed
All for now.
Love from Appalachia,
Amy xoxo
Thankful, Day 6 I think I’ve talked about divisions before. Like, when you…
29 March 2019