Lent 2019 Day 18

Not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, thank God. Some people you meet there and you get the privilege of staying their friend forever and ever. And you can’t understand how it’s possible to have so much in common with someone you’d never met and that you primarily communicate with via text and Facebook.

Jill and I both have curly hair and penchant for citing Steel Magnolias at every opportunity. We know our Co-op stuff (aaaalllll the stuff) forward and back, even though neither of us are employed by them any longer. We have an unhealthy obsession for M&Ms, and a wanderlust attitude. If you are all of these things, you can join our club after a thorough vetting process.

Jill has tasked me with thinking no negative thoughts. It’s been on my mind since I woke up. So I’ve spent the day with my (typically hidden) optimistic attitude. Good thing I didn’t have my checkbook and receipts here, I would be breaking Lent for sure! I’ve been avoiding Facebook for the most part, as well. It’s hard for me not to criticize. I worked in the yard a little bit but was better off in the kitchen, where I have a better chance of living up to my standards. I’ve set a low goal of pulling staples from the hardwood floor of the back bedroom closet where I took the carpet up. It makes me feel empowered prying them out….till one is holding on like a hair in a biscuit. Then I grit my teeth and bear down…or go to the next one.

Positive thoughts, positive thoughts…

My kitchen is so dated…But at least I have one.
My dog is very well behaved.
Don’t think about doing laundry as a chore, think of it as exercise since I get to go up and down stairs.
I can arrange my library any which way I want.

What I’ve found with this practice is that when I’m focused on positive, I tend to get a wee bit sarcastic. Like, I’m dreading dusting. But I can’t think like that. I’m supposed to think: when I get through dusting I can read my book. But no. When I get through dusting, I will find something else that needs to be done. I can look forward to eating some lemon creme cake, but the fact of the matter is, it’s full of sugar and will no doubt contribute to my ever-thickening waistline, which, in turn, will drive me on in spin class like the hounds of hell are nipping at my feet.

Which I dread.

Or holding a hard yoga pose, forcing myself to contort in a manner in which I simply am unable to fold. It’s a vicious cycle. I don’t think of myself as negative, I try to laugh most everything off and say we only get to go around once. But putting a positive spin on everything? It’s humbling. And so often I think, “I am so blessed.”

Turns out, even if you are positive about things, bad things still happen. For instance, I LOVE Lonesome Dove. But Gus will still die. I can be an optimist, or I can be a realist. It is inevitable that we will have bad news in our lives. Surprises. Things happen that are out of our control. But, this too shall pass. And that’s always good news.

So I’m praying for my sweet Jill today. She teaches me what it’s like to be human. She keeps it real all the time, staying busy with homeschooling her kids and working on her farm. As if that isn’t enough, she’s all the time making pieces with her embroidery machine to sell at local boutiques and craft fairs. That’s on top of helping out at the dance studio and a million other things I can’t even keep up with. She sends me these texts and I’m like, “what in the devil are you talking about?” and we have to go back two months and catch up.

Lord, I’m happy to be here speaking with you tonight. I’m thankful for this beautiful spring day with no rain. I thank you for the tasty pork chop I consumed earlier. Bless the hands that raised the pig and grew the beans. I want to speak a word of intercession for my friend Jill. She’s struggling with all her roles that come with being a mom. I want her to know what a wonderful job she does. I want to remind her that we’re on your time line, and that everything is ok as long as we look toward you. I pray that she will let go of the worry that mires her down. Help her remember, Lord, that it is not hers to carry. Open her heart and let her expel any bitterness she harbors to be replaced with love, tenderness, and forgiveness. Remind her that she takes on more in a day than some of us face in a month or longer, replenish her spirit and let her eyes see and her ears hear how she brightens our days with her can-do attitude and sincere smile. I pray that her relationship with her family grows stronger each day. I pray for their health and well being Lord, and I thank you for the progress Emma has made since she began treatment. Thank you for making her a beautiful dancer, and I thank you for George’s sense of humor and whip smart rhetorics. I ask you to keep Michael safe as he travels for his job. I ask you to bless their farm abundantly, may their cows and hogs and chickens continue to flourish and reproduce. And Lord? Please let our hair cooperate. In Jesus’ holy name. Amen.

*And you should know that I’ve had Steel Magnolias on the duration of this post. Shelby, pleeeease? Perfectly pink, my foot. Are those my magnolias? Drum loves beans. Get off my bench. I’M A CHAIN!!!


  1. Jill | 27th Mar 19

    My dear Amy, I just remembered to read this today. With a humble heart, I needed it this morning. Now thank heavens I did not put on mascara or eyeliner- cause I have tears.
    I woke up in a foul mood, have not showered, (that hardly ever happens), had statistics, and swept the floor.
    I have tons to do today- but I really am having a hard time facing the facts that I NEED to do them.
    I am blessed that I have the ability to do them… maybe we should pray about getting my heart in the right place today?

    I love you more than my counterspace- Amy .

    • Amy | 27th Mar 19

      Aww sweet Jill. God put us on this Earth together for a reason. I’ll pray for you and you pray for me and we’ll get through the rest of our days just fine. I love ya more than my luggage. I hope you had a productive day and if not, well, try it again tomorrow! Eat some ice cream and put your feet up. Lord knows you deserve a break! xoxo

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